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 polio   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 脊髓灰质炎, 小儿麻痹症

[医] 脊髓灰质炎

    [ noun ]
    an acute viral disease marked by inflammation of nerve cells of the brain stem and spinal cord

    Infantile paralysis \In"fan*tile pa*ral"y*sis\ (Med.)
    An acute viral disease, affecting almost exclusively infants
    and young adults, characterized by inflammation of the
    anterior horns of the gray substance of the spinal cord. It
    is attended with febrile symptoms, motor paralysis, and
    muscular atrophy, often producing permanent deformities.
    Called also {acute anterior poliomyelitis}, {poliomyelitis}
    and {polio}. It is caused by any one of three polioviruses,
    and by the end of the twentieth century had been almost
    completely eradicated in developed countries by a widespread
    campaign of immunization.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

    1. The polio vaccine is the only common vaccine clearly shown to cause the disease it was supposed to prevent, said Samuel Katz, chairman of the pediatrics department at the Duke University Medical Center.
    2. Actually, the limp came from his contracting polio in 1949.
    3. Basil O'Connor, a Wall Street lawyer, headed the foundation started in 1938 to lick polio with hundreds of millions of dollars from "march of Dimes" donations.
    4. "This really is no worse than normal," said Emerson, who must walk with crutches because of a childhood bout with polio.
    5. Pigman said the new campaign will complement Rotary's 3-year-old PolioPlus Program, which has been raising money with the goal of providing polio immunizations to the roughly 100 million children born anuually in developing nations.
    6. President Franklin D. Roosevelt used a wheelchair as a result of polio, but Cowan said that none of the physical adjustments in the White House made for Roosevelt make life easier for visitors or employees.
    7. The European division of the World Health Organization, to which Israel belongs, earlier this month considered declaring polio wiped out in the country.
    8. Even the prototype vaccine's developer, Dr. Jonas Salk, the 75-year-old pioneer of the polio vaccine, was unaware of the appeal by Archbishop Roger Mahony, said Dr. Alexandra Levine of the University of Southern California.
    9. Children and pregnant women receive shots to protect against polio, measles, diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough.
    10. The last cases of polio in the United Sates were reported in the late 1970s.
    11. The proportion of children immunised against tuberculosis, measles, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus and polio rose from 5 per cent in 1977 to 20-30 per cent in 1983.
    12. The checks were small, but she used them to support her family, said Mrs. Limpy, who is disabled from polio and ineligible for welfare programs as long as she is on the oil royality rolls.
    13. Arthur was stricken with polio at age 17, and the paralysis left him wheelchair-bound for the rest of his life.
    14. But these studies are increasing our understanding about what is necessary for a vaccine for HIV-infected human beings." Salk said that creating an AIDS vaccine is much more difficult than a polio vaccine, which he developed in the 1950s.
    15. The Health Ministry last week ordered a nationwide vaccination campaign after the polio virus was found in sewage in at least a dozen Israeli cities.
    16. That the federal government provide sufficient money for ensuring that all children be immunized against polio, diphtheria, measles, tetanus, whooping cough and mumps.
    17. If the muscles are weak, the determination for the polio survivor seems to be as strong in inverse proportion.
    18. The progress follows a 1985 Pan American Health Organization initiative to eradicate indigenous transmission of wild polio virus by the end of 1990.
    19. And when she testified in March, Mrs. East spoke of an intelligent, vigorous man, a former Marine who relentlessly pursued his professional and political goals even though he used a wheelchair since a bout with polio in the 1950s.
    20. The organization said it costs $10 to immunize a child against polio and other major diseases.
    21. In another development today, army doctors began vaccinating the nation's active and reserve duty soldiers in an effort to combat an outbreak of polio, Health Ministry and army officials said.
    22. East, a polio victim who used a wheelchair, made few public appearances and his television commercials showed East from the shoulders up talking into the camera.
    23. Covered by the program are diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccines; the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine; the oral polio vaccine; and the inactivated polio vaccine.
    24. Covered by the program are diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccines; the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine; the oral polio vaccine; and the inactivated polio vaccine.
    25. Six cases of polio were confirmed in the town of Hadera, 28 miles north of Tel Aviv, health officials said.
    26. Upon arrival at the field, John Paul greeted groups of the elderly, the blind and the crippled, including a 12-year-old polio victim named Gonzalo who was wearing leg braces.
    27. Through biomedical research, we have discovered vaccines for polio and antibiotics for tuberculosis.
    28. Meanwhile, polio became an issue in Israel's elections campaign as Amnon Rubinstein, head of the centrist Shinui movement, demanded Arbeli-Almozlino resign.
    29. The Pan American Health Organization has set the year 2000 as the goal for global eradication of polio.
    30. Jonas Salk sent an autographed copy of a 1955 report on polio.
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