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 perpetrate ['pә:pitreit]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 做(恶), 犯(罪), 胡说, 恶劣地做

[法] 犯, 作, 行

    [ verb ]
    perform an act, usually with a negative connotation
    <verb.social> commit pull
    perpetrate a crimepull a bank robbery

    Perpetrate \Per"pe*trate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Perpetrated}; p.
    pr. & vb. n. {Perpetrating}.] [L. perpetratus, p. p. of
    perpetrare to effect, perpetrare; per + patrare to perform.]
    To do or perform; to carry through; to execute, commonly in a
    bad sense; to commit (as a crime, an offense); to be guilty
    of; as, to perpetrate a foul deed.

    What the worst perpetrate, or best endure. --Young.

    1. "I never intended to perpetrate a ruse.
    2. "I regret that my concern for the poor and the environment was so dishonestly misinterpreted and misused to perpetrate a cruel hoax on 4 million Americans who are already broken beyond any measure of understanding," Sheen said in a statement.
    3. "It took years to perpetrate the offense and it will take months to prove it," Dabrowski said.
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