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 perimeter [pә'rimitә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 周长, 周界, 边缘

[医] 周, 周边, 周界线; 周长; 视野计

    [ noun ]
    1. the boundary line or the area immediately inside the boundary

    2. <noun.shape>
    3. a line enclosing a plane areas

    4. <noun.shape>
    5. the size of something as given by the distance around it

    6. <noun.attribute>

    Perimeter \Per*im"e*ter\, n. [Gr. ?; ? around + ? measure: cf.
    F. p['e]rim[`e]tre.]
    1. (Geom.) The outer boundary of a body or figure, or the sum
    of all the sides.

    2. An instrument for determining the extent and shape of the
    field of vision.

    1. By nightfall Tuesday, firefighters had bulldozed lines around more than 35 percent of the 90-mile perimeter of the blaze.
    2. Meanwhile, in Utah, firefighters shored up the perimeter and battled hot spots today on the Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation.
    3. Guards stopped the convicts as they attempted to scale the 15-foot wire mesh perimeter.
    4. The weather conditions must be right, a contingency plan must be developed, preparations along the perimeter of the target area must be made, and the required manpower to maintain control must be available.
    5. Coors has donated funds for the college's health center and for sprucing up the main campus's perimeter.
    6. Aviation buffs who hoped to catch a glimpse of the bomber's first flight began gathering outside the perimeter of Air Force Plant 42 early today, Air Force spokesman Maj. Pat Mullaney said.
    7. "The Bild picture shows a non-operational F-4 which has been parked near the (perimeter) fence on Sembach for some time," said spokesman Douglas Moore.
    8. They drove a herd of cattle towards the perimeter fence, raising clouds of dust.
    9. The same is true of any situation where there are hostile forces on the perimeter.
    10. Around the citadel's six-mile perimeter of tall brick ramparts, the water in its moats took on the purple and orange glow of the sky overhead.
    11. Human chains began forming around the perimeter of the square to act as a line of defense against any troops.
    12. Sorg's machine has an 8-foot-wide metal wheel with 12 weights on axles mounted around the perimeter, each directly opposite another and linked to its mate by a cable.
    13. The authority in 1984 imposed a formal 1,500-mile perimeter rule but allowed flights to and from Denver, which is 1,600 miles away, to continue.
    14. "Since there is no indication that any other proprietor is likely to impose a perimeter rule, this decision is unlikely to have any significant impact upon the national air transportation system," the government lawyers said.
    15. His guards and servants occupy houses on the perimeter.
    16. Kurukshetra's larger pool, Brahmasarovar, has a two-mile perimeter.
    17. As a precaution, six Coast Guard cutters patroled the perimeter of the 5,000-yard safety area around the submarine.
    18. A U.S. official said that when the Soviets toured the grassy perimeter of the Hercules plant Monday, they were warned about rattlesnakes.
    19. On Friday, prison authorities used blaring rock music and a wailing helicopter siren to drown out inmates shouting from the rooftop to reporters outside the prison's perimeter wall.
    20. Emergency services officials have used such phrases as "supply lines" and "establish a perimeter" to describe tactics used against the blaze.
    21. Instead, around the perimeter of the track, there is an unbroken corrall of clapped-out cars full of the young. From time to time a door opens and a bedraggled teenager tumbles out.
    22. Many fans were crushed to death against barriers and perimeter fencing just minutes into the English Football Association semifinal match between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest.
    23. Fur-hatted Soviet troops still man mountainside artillery emplacements on Kabul's outskirts but have handed over some posts on the perimeter road.
    24. There were also reports of two suspicious packages. The airport's southern runway and a perimeter road were closed. The attack followed non-specific warnings to the media.
    25. Crews had to hike four miles just to get to the perimeter of the Cape Horn fire, and began work on a landing zone to make that blaze more accessible.
    26. The fire had burned an estimated 16,500 acres by late Friday. Seventeen miles of fire line had been built and 64 percent of the perimeter had been contained, Hagen said.
    27. "Everything's quiet," police spokesman David Rivero said this morning. "We still have the perimeter up, but we're letting everyone through.
    28. And so, one afternoon, wearing a denim jacket, denim slacks and hide boots, the count stands behind a barrier on the perimeter of his miniature bullring.
    29. "The filling shall be centered so that it does not protrude beyond the perimeter of the base cakes." "Would Mrs. Fields comply?"
    30. We didn't do anything I considered illegal." She said other British journalists had already visited the scene and had climbed over a perimeter fence.
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