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 perfectionist   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 至善论者, 过分挑剔者, 追求尽善尽美者, 圆满论者

    [ noun ]
    a person who is displeased by anything that does not meet very high standards

    Perfectionist \Per*fec"tion*ist\, n.
    One pretending to perfection; esp., one pretending to moral
    perfection; one who believes that persons may and do attain
    to moral perfection and sinlessness in this life. --South.

    1. Mr. Cousy is a perfectionist, a most impatient man.
    2. She was a real perfectionist.
    3. As a man of many causes and a perfectionist who has little patience for the way the music business is run, Mr. Zukofsky is too much of a maverick to have a big career in New York, where he spends most of his time teaching at Juilliard.
    4. These elements were established by the demanding perfectionist, Watson. 'He emphasised people and service - obsessively,' noted Tom Peters in Liberation Management.
    5. The Callaway staff is intense, perfectionist, dedicated, creative.
    6. She and the orchestra and her musical director, Burt Bacharach, had just completed 32 hours of strenuous preparation, and Bacharach had announced that rehearsals were over. 'But Dietrich was a perfectionist, and inexhaustible.
    7. Dustin Hoffman, known as a hard-working perfectionist on a movie set, says his newest costar, Tom Cruise, is equally driven.
    8. I buy such things in sales and need them to last.' Ann Demeulemeester, a small, pale blonde with limpid blue eyes, is a perfectionist whose business is self-financed and controlled.
    9. What are your faults, do you think? 'Maybe I am too much of a perfectionist.
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