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 pennyroyal ['penirɒiәl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 薄荷类, 薄荷油

[化] 除蚤薄荷

[医] 薄荷类植物

    [ noun ]
    1. Eurasian perennial mint have small lilac-blue flowers and ovate leaves; yields an aromatic oil

    2. <noun.plant>
    3. erect hairy branching American herb having purple-blue flowers; yields an essential oil used as an insect repellent and sometimes in folk medicine

    4. <noun.plant>

    Pennyroyal \Pen`ny*roy"al\, n. [A corruption of OE. puliall
    royal. OE. puliall is ultimately derived fr. L. puleium, or
    pulegium regium (so called as being good against fleas), fr.
    pulex a flea; and royal is a translation of L. regium, in
    puleium regium.] (Bot.)
    An aromatic herb ({Mentha Pulegium}) of Europe; also, a North
    American plant ({Hedeoma pulegioides}) resembling it in

    {Bastard pennyroyal} (Bot.) See {Blue curls}, under {Blue}.

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