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 peers 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. The opinions of his peers are more important to him than his parents' ideas.
  2. She peers through the mist, trying to find the right path.

  1. Only about 300 peers attend debates regularly, and in May the government had to summon non-attenders to ensure passage of a controversial property tax bill.
  2. She says she has already made her ads "more conservative" after being criticized by some of her peers for advertising at all.
  3. This person may check with magazines and databases and will find no reference to his problem. He may discuss it 'off the record' with his peers.
  4. Moody's said that while Merrill Lynch's earnings will continue to increase, its "profitability will lag that of its peers."
  5. It will save electricity costs as well and bring companies good publicity. Ms. Elliott also threatens: "Soon holdouts with flashy floodlights will look like slobs to the public and their peers."
  6. They either don't know any better, don't care or don't wish to buck their peers' practices.
  7. Many analysts who are bullish on the stock-market outlook right now base their optimism on a common central theme _ that their peers are wrong about inflation.
  8. The operational gearing of such operators should produce relatively fast rates of growth compared with their larger peers.
  9. NOW is the time for audacity: for the government to think about risky and unpopular decisions. It is hardly a welcome thought for Mr John Major as he peers through the gloom enveloping the economy into his party's renewed hostilities over Europe.
  10. So after a week few of its peers would envy, the lucky red fantail was safely handed over to his owner.
  11. Not all of its peers will take such a disciplined attitude.
  12. The rating concern said it expects assets dispositions and expense-control efforts "should bring the company's performance more in line with super-regional peers in the future."
  13. Also, a number of cosmetic procedures are often performed in the physician's office, removed from the usual scrutiny of peers and hospital staff.
  14. Congressional critics will push full throttle, hoping for a clean hit, but a majority of their peers will pull them away and hit the brakes.
  15. The resulting abstraction is as fresh and intelligent as that of his peers in the other camp - but is it still jazz? Tour continues to Dartington, Cambridge, Southampton, Leeds, Birmingham andSheffield.
  16. One of the hot topics as he peers into the future is the prospect for global expansion by retailers.
  17. Divorce lawyer Arnie Becker may be a hotshot attorney in the fictional legal world of television's "L.A. Law," but his real-life peers say they wouldn't want to invite him to join their group.
  18. The leading Eurosceptic MPs and peers have already organised a relentless series of meetings.
  19. "She's accepted and respected by her peers.
  20. However, Hoare Govett, Clyde's broker, said the shares were 'obviously oversold compared with their peers.'
  21. These overprogrammed, ridiculously scheduled, burnout children want real time with their parents, siblings, peers and themselves.
  22. This sculpture could almost be a wind-eroded outcrop of rock. Cool marble is used for the chilly 'Narcissus' who peers into the water beneath the crook of his arm to admire his own reflection.
  23. However, the charge seems excessive compared with Severn's peers.
  24. In fact, colleges often raise charges to avoid being the least expensive among their peers, says Jan Krukowski, an education consultant.
  25. At the time, Mr. Bergman said that he could not bear dealing with his own male peers.
  26. But how curious it is that so often they turn out to be rather more old-fashioned and backward-looking than their more conventional peers, for all the seriousness and originality of their supposed enquiry.
  27. 'My peers think there is something disreputable in what I do,' Sir John says. They also feel resentment that he received the credit for a turnround in profitability at ICI that was not altogether his doing.
  28. "You have to embarrass them in front of their peers," he says.
  29. For she was a history painter, and as such commanded the utmost respect from her peers. Her beauty and talent certainly beguiled the art establishment.
  30. She peers impassively from beneath her bangs, but admits later she'd be happier if she were fishing for bigger, slimier fish than mom-and-pop grocers.
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