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 pebble ['pebl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 小圆石, 小鹅卵石, 水晶透镜, 碎石花纹

[医] 小石

    [ noun ]
    a small smooth rounded rock

    Pebble \Peb"ble\, n. [AS. papolst[=a]n; cf. L. papula pimple,
    mote. See {Stone}.]
    1. A small roundish stone or bowlder; especially, a stone
    worn and rounded by the action of water; a pebblestone.
    ``The pebbles on the hungry beach.'' --Shak.

    As children gathering pebbles on the shore.

    2. Transparent and colorless rock crystal; as, Brazilian
    pebble; -- so called by opticians.

    {Pebble powder}, slow-burning gunpowder, in large cubical

    {Scotch pebble}, varieties of quartz, as agate, chalcedony,
    etc., obtained from cavities in amygdaloid.

    Pebble \Peb"ble\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Pebbled}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    To grain (leather) so as to produce a surface covered with
    small rounded prominences.

    1. The cleanup problems are exacerbated by the porous nature of the sound's rock and pebble beaches.
    2. The 30-second video, showing a flat, wobbling sheet of blue metal ripping down the center, revealed microscopic waves at the tip of the rip, similar to the ripples of a pebble dropped in a pond.
    3. "You drop a pebble in the water and the ripples never cease," he said.
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