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 peach-colored 添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 桃色的

    [ adj ]
    having the color of a ripe peach

    Peach-colored \Peach"-col`ored\ (p[=e]ch"k[u^]l`[~e]rd), a.
    Of the color of a peach blossom. ``Peach-colored satin.''

    1. My partner is Betty, a blonde in a peach-colored top and jeans.
    2. But according to relatives and neighbors, including a young man who barely escaped the slaughter, six of them were lined up against a peach-colored masonry wall and shot to death on Nov. 18.
    3. Buyers at the 91st International Housewares Exposition had their choice of 3 million products, including heated ice cream scoops, peach-colored light bulbs and skunk-odor remover.
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