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 payola [pei'әulә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 贿赂

[经] 馈赠

    [ noun ]
    a bribe given to a disc jockey to induce him to promote a particular record

    1. In return, Mr. Craig agreed to cooperate in the government's continuing payola probe, says a spokeswoman for the U.S. attorney's office.
    2. Isgro drew attention in the payola scandal in 1986 when NBC News portrayed him as being associated with organized crime.
    3. His trial had been called the radio and record industry's biggest payola case in 30 years.
    4. He said many record companies hired Craig and Tashjian to promote records _ without knowing their money allegedly was used as payola.
    5. Ralph Tashjian, 41, of San Mateo pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court to a misdemeanor payola charge for sending the cocaine in a Federal Express envelope to the radio station program director.
    6. The payola investigation began in 1986, with reputed organized crime figure Salvatore James Pisello, 64, of West Hollywood, charged in July with three counts of tax evasion.
    7. A record promoter pleaded guilty Monday to three charges involving payola, and admitted giving cocaine to a Fresno radio employee to win air time for songs by Bruce Springsteen and other artists.
    8. The "payola" case against record promoter Joseph Isgro and two others was dismissed by a federal judge, who harshly criticized prosecutors for withholding evidence.
    9. The FCC said it was putting out the reminder in light of the recent indictments of four people in California following a two-year investigation of "payola" practices in the broadcast industry.
    10. A federal judge warned he may dismiss payola and racketeering charges against record industry figures if it is determined the government withheld key testimony.
    11. If you're a cop, it's all right to take a little payola: park your car illegally, run a red light, accept a free meal at your favorite Cajun restaurant (Remy does all of this).
    12. His former business associates, Ralph Tashjian and Bill Craig, were indicted in January of several payola and tax evasion charges.
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