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 passionless ['pæʃәnlis]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 不热情的, 不动情的, 冷静的

    [ adj ]
    1. not passionate

    2. <adj.all>
      passionless observation of human nature
    3. unmoved by feeling

    4. <adj.all>
      he kept his emotionless objectivity and faith in the cause he served
      this passionless girl was like an icicle in the sunshine

    Passionless \Pas"sion*less\, a.
    Void of passion; without anger or emotion; not easily
    excited; calm. ``Self-contained and passionless.''

    1. While there's much to admire, in short, the book's odd combination of sensitivity and slickness, of penetrating characterizations and passionless prose, ultimately makes it as exasperating as Martha herself.
    2. Was dull, passionless Michael Dukakis turning on a crowd? Indeed, he was.
    3. In my honour roll of antarctic heroes, Alex stands somewhere near the top. Sea temperature -0.50 Skog has written in his passionless, dry-as-dust Nordic hand.
    4. The information bearer is, by his very nature, a passionless creature who exists to draw attention to his message.
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