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 pancreas ['pæŋkriәs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 胰腺

[医] 胰[腺]

    [ noun ]
    a large elongated exocrine gland located behind the stomach; secretes pancreatic juice and insulin

    Pancreas \Pan"cre*as\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ?; pa^s, pa^n, all +
    kre`as flesh, meat: cf. F. pancr['e]as.] (Anat.)
    The sweetbread, a gland connected with the intestine of
    nearly all vertebrates. It is usually elongated and
    light-colored, and its secretion, called the pancreatic
    juice, is discharged, often together with the bile, into the
    upper part of the intestines, and is a powerful aid in
    digestion. See Illust. of {Digestive apparatus}.

    1. The emperor underwent surgery last year so doctors could perform a bypass around a growth in his pancreas.
    2. These include inflammation of the pancreas, found in 17% of adults, and peripheral nerve damage, in 22%.
    3. Two out of a larger group of 45 developed pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas.
    4. The hybrid pancreas consists of a plastic housing containing a coiled membrane surrounded by living pancreas cells that regulate the amount of insulin produced according to the blood sugar level.
    5. The hybrid pancreas consists of a plastic housing containing a coiled membrane surrounded by living pancreas cells that regulate the amount of insulin produced according to the blood sugar level.
    6. Mrs. Phillips died last week of kidney and pancreas failure only daughter of Queen Elizabeth II _ and her husband, Capt.
    7. Cigarette smoking also has been linked to cancers of the lung, bladder, pancreas, esophagus, throat and cervix.
    8. Part of the problem with screening for the cancer is that "we don't know enough about the basic history of the pancreas," he said, and that, "when the cancer produces symptoms, it may have been there growing more subtly for five or 10 years.
    9. Court physicians believe the emperor has been bleeding from where he was operated on in September 1987 to bypass an intestinal blockage caused by an inflamed pancreas.
    10. They believe the bleeding originates from Hirohito's intestine, which underwent surgery in September 1987 to bypass a blockage caused by an inflamed pancreas.
    11. The studies also found that the Bristol-Myers Squibb compound can cause nerve and pancreas damage, but only in dosages considered too high.
    12. The pancreas, a pear-shaped organ behind the stomach, produces insulin, a hormone needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy.
    13. Alfonso Cabrera Hidalgo, the Christian Democratic candidate, has been in a hospital in Houston for three days with pancreas trouble.
    14. The cavity has been filled with a block of organs consisting of the liver, pancreas, duodenum and jejunum, a few feet of section of the small intestine.
    15. Instead, the article said, they announced the illness as merely an inflammation of the pancreas.
    16. "They don't have joints" that resemble human joints. - DIABETES For several thousand dollars, a diabetic can have his damaged pancreas removed at a "clinic" in the Philippines or Brazil.
    17. The Hospital Center proceeded with the operation although it lacked official permission to perform pancreas transplants from the district's State Health Planning and Development Agency.
    18. Hospital spokeswoman Clare Fiore said the hospital filed an emergency application with the city last week to do pancreas transplants, but had yet received no official approval, The Washington Post reported.
    19. The pancreas gland also fails to produce the enzymes that digest fats, and the sweat glands fail to work properly.
    20. Ann Phillips, Princess Anne's mother-in-law, died Monday of a pancreas ailment at the age of 62.
    21. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center say they've cured diabetes in rats by transplanting clumps of cells from the pancreas to the thymus gland.
    22. Insulin is secreted by the beta cells of the pancreas.
    23. He received a new liver, small intestine, pancreas and part of a stomach Feb. 9.
    24. His horse died." Four years later, her teen-age brother had cancer of the pancreas.
    25. Roman Catholic Cardinal John Dearden has been hospitalized with inoperable cancer of the pancreas, a church spokesman said Friday.
    26. "I'm lucky to be here," Brooks told colleagues, describing his battle with a serious pancreas illness that he said left him close to death.
    27. DDI can cause serious side effects, including an inflammation of the pancreas, pancreatitis, which can be fatal.
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