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 pan [pæn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 平锅, 浅盘, 盆地, 硬土层, 拍摄全景

vt. 上下左右移动, 摇镜头, 淘洗, 淘金

vi. 上下左右移动, 摇镜头, 淘洗, 淘金

[化] 底盘

[医] 锅, 盘

    panned, panning
    [ noun ]
    1. cooking utensil consisting of a wide metal vessel

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. (Greek mythology) god of fields and woods and shepherds and flocks; represented as a man with goat's legs and horns and ears; identified with Roman Sylvanus or Faunus

    4. <noun.person>
    5. shallow container made of metal

    6. <noun.artifact>
    7. chimpanzees; more closely related to Australopithecus than to other pongids

    8. <noun.animal>
    [ verb ]
    1. make a sweeping movement

    2. <verb.motion>
      The camera panned across the room
    3. wash dirt in a pan to separate out the precious minerals

    4. <verb.contact> pan off pan out
    5. express a totally negative opinion of

    6. <verb.communication>
      tear apart trash
      The critics panned the performance

    Pan \Pan\, v. t. & i. (Cinematography)
    To scan (a movie camera), usu. in a horizontal direction, to
    obtain a panoramic effect; also, to move the camera so as to
    keep the subject in view.

    Pan \Pan\, v. i.
    1. (Mining) To yield gold in, or as in, the process of
    panning; -- usually with out; as, the gravel panned out

    2. To turn out (profitably or unprofitably); to result; to
    develop; as, the investigation, or the speculation, panned
    out poorly. [Slang, U. S.]

    Pan \Pan\, n. [OE. panne, AS. panne; cf. D. pan, G. pfanne, OHG.
    pfanna, Icel., Sw., LL., & Ir. panna, of uncertain origin;
    cf. L. patina, E. paten.]
    1. A shallow, open dish or vessel, usually of metal, employed
    for many domestic uses, as for setting milk for cream, for
    frying or baking food, etc.; also employed for various
    uses in manufacturing. ``A bowl or a pan.'' --Chaucer.

    2. (Manuf.) A closed vessel for boiling or evaporating. See
    {Vacuum pan}, under {Vacuum}.

    3. The part of a flintlock which holds the priming.

    4. The skull, considered as a vessel containing the brain;
    the upper part of the head; the brainpan; the cranium.

    5. (Carp.) A recess, or bed, for the leaf of a hinge.

    6. The hard stratum of earth that lies below the soil. See
    {Hard pan}, under {Hard}.

    7. A natural basin, containing salt or fresh water, or mud.

    {Flash in the pan}. See under {Flash}.

    {To savor of the pan}, to suggest the process of cooking or
    burning; in a theological sense, to be heretical.
    --Ridley. Southey.

    Pan \Pan\, n. [OE. See 2d {Pane}.]
    1. A part; a portion.

    2. (Fort.) The distance comprised between the angle of the
    epaule and the flanked angle.

    3. [Perh. a different word.] A leaf of gold or silver.

    Pan \Pan\, v. t. & i. [Cf. F. pan skirt, lappet, L. pannus a
    cloth, rag, W. panu to fur, to full.]
    To join or fit together; to unite. [Obs.] --Halliwell.

    Pan \Pan\, n. [Hind. p[=a]n, Skr. parna leaf.]
    The betel leaf; also, the masticatory made of the betel leaf,
    etc. See {Betel}.

    Pan \Pan\, prop. n. [L., fr. Gr. ?.] (Gr. Myth.)
    The god of shepherds, guardian of bees, and patron of fishing
    and hunting. He is usually represented as having the head and
    trunk of a man, with the legs, horns, and tail of a goat, and
    as playing on the shepherd's pipe (also called the pipes of
    Pan), which he is said to have invented.

    Pan \Pan\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Panned}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    1. (Mining) To separate, as gold, from dirt or sand, by
    washing in a kind of pan. [U. S.]

    We . . . witnessed the process of cleaning up and
    panning out, which is the last process of separating
    the pure gold from the fine dirt and black sand.
    --Gen. W. T.

    2. To criticise (a drama or literary work) harshly.

    1. "Both the spending and home sales are a flash in the pan," said Allen Sinai, chief economist at Boston Co. "If the jobs and income aren't there how can people keep up spending?
    2. Drain the artichokes and put a tablespoonful of the fragrant mixture into each cup. Sit the artichokes shoulder to shoulder in a large flameproof casserole or sturdy pan.
    3. "I currently have 26 conversations in progress," although "I can't guess" how many will pan out, he said.
    4. Toss again. Oil a gratin or baking dish as large as a roasting pan but suitable for bringing to table.
    5. Put the carrots and livers into a low oven to rest. Add a little more oil to the saute pan and fry the onion.
    6. Dice the white meat and put it in a pan with the cold milk and a generous pinch of salt.
    7. You cannot pan out the same old boring rubbish about people being 'only interested in the top line.'
    8. Pour into a buttered, 10-inch springform pan and press the mixture onto the bottom and one-third up the sides of the pan.
    9. Pour into a buttered, 10-inch springform pan and press the mixture onto the bottom and one-third up the sides of the pan.
    10. The "pie pan of beans" at Lambert's in Sikeston, Mo., comes with dessert _ a King Edward cigar and a stick of Big Red chewing gum.
    11. In June 1987, Okmulgee's pie pan was increased to 20.7 feet in diameter and the pie weighed 6,300 pounds.
    12. If projections in a University of New Orleans economic study pan out, the money will be a good investment.
    13. Bring back to simmering point, switch off the heat, cover the pan and leave for 10 minutes. Strain the liquid from the smoked haddock and use 3/4 pt of it, together with the butter and flour, to make a fishy flavoured bechamel sauce.
    14. An egg is broken into a frying pan as the credits roll to jaunty music.
    15. That doesn't mean it will fool the frying pan."
    16. Arrange the prawns all around the rice and pour their pan juices over the rice. Serve with good bread and the sauce of your choice.
    17. We may move out of the phylloxera frying pan into the fire of these viruses, Pierce's disease and so on.' AN INKLING that 'Lunch for a Fiver' was going to be a success occurred when my phone rang at 9.30am on Monday.
    18. At an Aug. 7 news conference he pleaded for her return, and family members were interviewed on a Nov. 9 segment of the NBC television program "Unsolved Mysteries," which generated about 300 calls that didn't pan out.
    19. Panicky sirens blare and the camera cuts to a slow pan of the emergency crew.
    20. Add the rest, still in their shells, to the pork and pour on the juices from the clam pan, straining them through a muslin-lined sieve.
    21. Place in ungreased 10-inch pie pan, 12X8 inch (2-quart) baking dish or 11-inch quiche pan; press over bottom and up sides to form crust. Seal perforations.
    22. Place in ungreased 10-inch pie pan, 12X8 inch (2-quart) baking dish or 11-inch quiche pan; press over bottom and up sides to form crust. Seal perforations.
    23. The omelette took 26 chefs three hours to cook on a pan 39 feet wide, organizers reported.
    24. Bring to simmering point, cover and cook over the lowest possible heat for 10 minutes. Remove the buttermuslin bag and whizz the remaining contents of the pan in a food processor for 10 seconds only.
    25. Previously, competitors had continuously to flip a pancake in a pan as they ran, but nowadays only a toss at the start and finish is required.
    26. He said: 'This may well be a flash in the pan for the platinum group metals'.
    27. Continue simmering briefly if needs be to achieve good consistency. Chop the oysters roughly and slip them into the pan.
    28. Allow longer, or less, for very well-cooked or crisp results. While the vegetables are cooking, melt the butter in a small frying pan.
    29. In a few months, the company plans to introduce an improved pan pizza, which accounts for about 65% of Pizza Hut's sales.
    30. Toss to mix and keep hot in a low oven. Quickly add extra oil to the pan - to about a quarter-inch deep.
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