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 paid [peid]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 受雇的, 付清的

[经] 支薪金的, 已付的

    [ adj ]
    1. marked by the reception of pay

    2. <adj.all>
      paid work
      a paid official
      a paid announcement
      a paid check
    3. involving gainful employment in something often done as a hobby

    4. <adj.all>
    5. yielding a fair profit

    6. <adj.all>

    Paid \Paid\, imp., p. p., & a. from {Pay}.
    1. Receiving pay; compensated; hired; as, a paid attorney.

    2. Satisfied; contented. [Obs.] ``Paid of his poverty.''

    Pay \Pay\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Paid}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Paying}.] [OE. paien, F. payer, fr. L. pacare to pacify,
    appease, fr. pax, pacis, peace. See {Peace}.]
    1. To satisfy, or content; specifically, to satisfy (another
    person) for service rendered, property delivered, etc.; to
    discharge one's obligation to; to make due return to; to
    compensate; to remunerate; to recompense; to requite; as,
    to pay workmen or servants.

    May no penny ale them pay [i. e., satisfy]. --P.

    [She] pays me with disdain. --Dryden.

    2. Hence, figuratively: To compensate justly; to requite
    according to merit; to reward; to punish; to retort or
    retaliate upon.

    For which, or pay me quickly, or I'll pay you. --B.

    3. To discharge, as a debt, demand, or obligation, by giving
    or doing what is due or required; to deliver the amount or
    value of to the person to whom it is owing; to discharge a
    debt by delivering (money owed). ``Pay me that thou
    owest.'' --Matt. xviii. 28.

    Have patience with me, and I will pay thee all.
    --Matt. xviii.

    If they pay this tax, they starve. --Tennyson.

    4. To discharge or fulfill, as a duy; to perform or render
    duty, as that which has been promised.

    This day have I paid my vows. --Prov. vii.

    5. To give or offer, without an implied obligation; as, to
    pay attention; to pay a visit.

    Not paying me a welcome. --Shak.

    {To pay off}.
    (a) To make compensation to and discharge; as, to pay off
    the crew of a ship.
    (b) To allow (a thread, cord, etc.) to run off; to unwind.

    {To pay one's duty}, to render homage, as to a sovereign or
    other superior.

    {To pay out} (Naut.), to pass out; hence, to slacken; to
    allow to run out; as, to pay out more cable. See under

    {To pay the piper}, to bear the cost, expense, or trouble.

    1. Former Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega paid his first visit to the United States since his election defeat last February and admitted he made many mistakes while in power.
    2. That kind of reform "requires highly skilled leaders who are paid well," Hersey said.
    3. Li paid tribute to the force for helping crush the spring democracy movement, but added, "China faces a long-term struggle and we cannot afford to slacken our vigilance," Xinhua said.
    4. A Utah man received a suspended jail sentence and paid a $2,500 fine for understating his income so his wife could get a $5,000 student loan.
    5. Long Island legislators and Lilco opponents reacted angrily to some tentative terms of the pact, including one that would terminate a lawsuit charging Lilco with fraud, and seeking to recover from the utility $2.9 billion already paid by Lilco ratepayers.
    6. Ruderman's ruse was the tip of a still-widening probe of illegal trading in which various brokers, printers and others paid for the "Inside Wall Street" column the day before its publication.
    7. But they're not going to get paid" for selling the non-Merrill product.
    8. Claimants will be paid from a fund based on a yet-to-be determined percentage of the value of Iraq's exports of petroleum products.
    9. Today Railtrack hopes that 40 per cent will be operating. What are signalling workers paid? Signal workers' basic rates are between Pounds 146 and Pounds 235.75 per week.
    10. "I'm going to introduce it sometime at my convenience." Rep. Rostenkowski wants the slower approach because he fears that a rush for tax cuts could lead to a big plan that isn't fully paid for and increases the budget deficit.
    11. In the province of Warsaw, which includes the city and surrounding villages, local governments have paid only 3 percent of their annual dues to the provincial government, the Zycie Warszawy newspaper said.
    12. The shares slipped 2 to 415 1/2 p, as did the partly paid, to 172p.
    13. Mr. Dalle says France was trying to rebuild at the time, that Mr. Correze had paid his debt to society, and that the L'Oreal chiefs felt it was time to look forward.
    14. Defense lawyers are being paid with public funds.
    15. The freeze does not mean that the 5m public sector workers will get no pay rise, but that any increase must be paid for by improved productivity or reduced staff.
    16. GW Utilities, which has interests in oil production and transportation, paid a special dividend of C$10 a share, or C$393 million, in January following the sale of its 82% stake in Consumers Gas Ltd. to British Gas PLC.
    17. As the stock market took off, he financed forward trading in shares out of funds raised on the collateral of bankers' receipts - an instrument used only in India, by which a bank pledges later delivery of securities already paid for.
    18. An insurance company paid more than half of the $825,000 cost.
    19. HonFed has since paid down its goodwill assets to $80 million, using cash from earnings.
    20. It is "effectively a tax break for the wealthy to be paid for by the middle class.
    21. This month, for instance, Unocal received $42.23 a barrel for oil produced at Parachute Creek, but the government paid $23.46 of that.
    22. She said she saw crack cocaine made and sold, saw organization members get paid up to $800 a week and saw people beaten who crossed the Chambers brothers. "I got pulled into it.
    23. "Bill had been tracking the same statistics independently since 1986 and was the only one of the 350 people to whom I sent the report who paid attention to it or agreed with it," Mr. Zuccarelli says.
    24. Mrs. Davi says she was perturbed this year that no one paid her any money to vote.
    25. The rights will be paid Feb. 2 as a dividend.
    26. The Mallicks paid off their loans in December 1980 by selling Mallightco a 1979 Cadillac Seville valued at $10,575 and credited against the loans.
    27. The premiums paid by banks into their federal deposit-insurance fund will be almost doubled, to $1.50 for every $1,000 of deposits, but the thrifts' premiums will rise to $2.30 next year and could ultimately reach $3.25.
    28. The messages, in Arabic and English, were published by the leftist Beirut As-Safir newspaper as a paid advertisement, just a day after McCarthy started his fifth year as a hostage.
    29. The 150 billion yen fixed-coupon portion of Italy's Euroyen issue paid 5 3/4% at 101 1/8 to yield 5.44%.
    30. Each paid less than $150,000 in fines.
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