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 overspending 添加此单词到默认生词本





    1. While we do not claim that this is a panacea for overspending, it provides a useful weapon in the fight to reduce federal deficits.
    2. It's absurd because censorship is a far greater political sin than is overspending or even buying an election.
    3. This would seem to be a strong institutional protection against overspending and overtaxing.
    4. He urged greater efforts to restructure the economy, raise efficiency, adhere to the budget, avoid overspending and strengthen administration of finance and tax incomes.
    5. Pessimists respond that America's foreign debt is the result of foolish overspending that is going into consumption rather than investment.
    6. If overspending is not fixed promptly by the president and Congress, put automatic cuts on offending program categories.
    7. They have had a lot of fun overspending other people's money and getting re-elected as a result, but it's time the merry-go-round stopped.
    8. China's highest-ranking government official also denied strongly that the Chinese leadership is divided over how to proceed with the nation's economic reforms, now riddled with inflation, overspending and corruption.
    9. And the group's president, Herbert J. Solomon, later conceded that symphony officials had been overly ambitious in approving salary increases for musicians and in overspending generally.
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