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 outdo [,aut'du:]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 超越, 胜过, 战胜

    outdid, outdone

    Outdo \Out*do"\ (out*d[=oo]"), v. t. [imp. {Outdid}
    (out*d[i^]d"); p. p. {Outdone} (out*d[u^]n"); p. pr. & vb. n.
    To go beyond in performance; to excel; to surpass.

    An imposture outdoes the original. --L' Estrange.

    I grieve to be outdone by Gay. --Swift.

    {To outdo oneself} to surpass one's own previous best

    1. Spot prices would have to rise more than 40 cents to surpass the all-time high of $1.6475 a pound set last December on New York's Commodity Exchange but this is a market with a proven ability to outdo itself.
    2. "No country can outdo the Soviet Union in enduring difficulties."
    3. In their efforts to outdo one another in dramatizing the war, the networks are becoming a national-security risk to the U.S., Israel and other allies.
    4. To outdo that publicity stunt, Mike Royko, the Tribune columnist, held a news conference to announce plans to buy the Sun-Times.
    5. "We're all trying to outdo one another," says Michael Ullman, the general manager of the Beverly Hills Hotel.
    6. The latter was introduced to mark the centenary of the Battle of Trafalgar and the promenaders tried to outdo the orchestra by tapping their feet faster and faster.
    7. Democratic nominee Neil Hartigan also announced support for the initiative, and for a month the two gubernatorial nominees have tried to outdo one another in rejecting the high-tax policies of retiring Governor Jim Thompson.
    8. Jaw number two is the emergence of the little Japans, all eager to outdo their teacher in providing higher-quality goods at lower cost.
    9. Indeed, the real presidential race appears to be among party functionaries as they seek to outdo one another producing elaborate spectacles for the PRI candidate.
    10. Such hard-line sentiments aren't popular in the PLO these days, as Mr. Arafat gives Jewish New Year's greetings in Hebrew and his aides outdo one other in the moderation of their public statements.
    11. The big question becomes 'What will they do that I'm not doing, and how can I outdo them?'
    12. Some people, including Mr. Paulus, argue that a few ordinance supporters simply want to outdo Beverly Hills.
    13. With the end of the second state-sanctioned alligator hunt tonight, taxidermists, hunting stores and souvenir shops are trying to outdo each other in providing an ever-widening array of gator knickknacks.
    14. Newspapers will continue to outdo themselves with dismissals of Mr. Jackson's comments as sing-along-without-substance.
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