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 orbit ['ɒ:bit]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 轨道, 常轨, 眼眶

vt. 绕...轨道而行

vi. 进入轨道, 盘旋

[化] 轨道

[医] 眶

    [ noun ]
    1. the (usually elliptical) path described by one celestial body in its revolution about another

    2. <noun.location>
      he plotted the orbit of the moon
    3. a particular environment or walk of life

    4. <noun.state>
      his social sphere is limited
      it was a closed area of employment
      he's out of my orbit
    5. an area in which something acts or operates or has power or control:

    6. <noun.attribute>
      the range of a supersonic jet
      a piano has a greater range than the human voice
      the ambit of municipal legislation
      within the compass of this article
      within the scope of an investigation
      outside the reach of the law
      in the political orbit of a world power
    7. the path of an electron around the nucleus of an atom

    8. <noun.location>
    9. the bony cavity in the skull containing the eyeball

    10. <noun.body>
    [ verb ]
    1. move in an orbit

    2. <verb.motion> orb revolve
      The moon orbits around the Earth
      The planets are orbiting the sun
      electrons orbit the nucleus

    Orbit \Or"bit\, n. [L. orbita a track or rut made by a wheel,
    course, circuit, fr. orbis a circle: cf. F. orbite. See 2d
    1. (Astron.) The path described by a heavenly body in its
    periodical revolution around another body; as, the orbit
    of Jupiter, of the earth, of the moon.

    2. An orb or ball. [Rare & Improper]

    Roll the lucid orbit of an eye. --Young.

    3. (Anat.) The cavity or socket of the skull in which the eye
    and its appendages are situated.

    4. (Zo["o]l.) The skin which surrounds the eye of a bird.

    1. It means the satellite was sent into precisely the right orbit.
    2. The last launch of a Titan 34D was from Florida on Sept. 2, but sources told The Associated Press it failed to orbit its payload because the rocket's third stage failed to reignite.
    3. Operating a fleet of four such vehicles, the study says, would bring down the cost of putting a satellite into low Earth orbit from $10,803 a pound to $440. The study estimated that building a prototype of the SSX would be $1.6 billion.
    4. There are six modules, so that's an extra 12,000 pounds of weight that are having to be put into orbit because of the orbital debris environment," Mr. Kessler said.
    5. This means that the orbiter had dropped into a lower orbit." Such a maneuver would put distance between the two craft since a lower object orbits faster.
    6. Six Indian-made satellites have been sent into orbit by space agencies in the Soviet Union, United States and Europe.
    7. They deployed a Navy communications satellite and retrieved an 11-ton science laboratory that they will bring back to Earth so scientists can learn how scores of different materials and systems survived six years in orbit.
    8. In 1973, the three-man crew of the U.S. space laboratory Skylab 2 made a safe splashdown in the Pacific after spending 59 days in orbit.
    9. The satellite settled into an orbit reaching 11,000 miles high.
    10. Engineers are boosting the Mir to a higher orbit to keep its orbit from decaying, Blagov said.
    11. Engineers are boosting the Mir to a higher orbit to keep its orbit from decaying, Blagov said.
    12. Viktorenko and Serebrov are to remain in orbit six months.
    13. The shuttle is now expected to go into orbit by early October.
    14. The two Soviet spacecraft are to enter the gravitational pull of Mars in January and fall into orbit just behind Phobos for a three-month study of the Martian surface, atmosphere and magnetic field.
    15. But the tires take such a beating when the shuttle lands from orbit that they are used only once.
    16. In January, the Pentagon incorporated the "Brilliant Pebbles" concept into Phase 1. The technology involves several thousand interceptors that would orbit the Earth to seek and destroy a target by smashing into it at high speeds.
    17. A GTE Corp. unit said its fifth communications satellite achieved orbit 22,300 miles above the equator.
    18. The craft is to release a smaller satellite just before crossing the moon's orbit.
    19. About 35 minutes after the launch, Arianespace officials announced that the satellite was in orbit and declared the mission a success.
    20. Space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to make the next shuttle flight, with launch set for April 28. Its crew will dispatch the Magellan payload to orbit the planet Venus.
    21. Construction of the space station could begin next year if it stays on schedule, and it is planned to be in orbit around Earth and occupied by astronauts by the end of 1996, officials say.
    22. Of the 72 percent who answered correctly, 45 percent said it takes one year for the Earth to orbit the sun, 17 percent said one day, 2 percent said one month and 9 percent didn't know.
    23. He remains an ordinary human and, unfortunatey, is susceptible to ailments lurking in his path even in orbit," said Valery Polyakov, deputy director of the Health Ministry's Institute for Medical-Biological Problems.
    24. Atlantis lit up the sky in a rare launch in darkness Thursday as it streaked into orbit on a secret military mission that reportedly will send a satellite to spy on Iraq.
    25. The United States will provide precision tracking facilities for very high accuracy measurements of the Soviet satellite orbit.
    26. The information is used to ensure that the shuttle or other rockets depositing payloads in space don't run into objects in orbit, or that a falling satellite isn't mistaken for a missile attack.
    27. The weather outlook improved greatly today as a blacked-out countdown advanced toward a Tuesday launch of space shuttle Columbia on a mission to put a spy satellite into orbit.
    28. It then will release a smaller satellite to go into orbit around the moon and send data to the larger satellite on temperatures and electrical fields.
    29. Atlantis is scheduled to carry a secret military payload into orbit next month.
    30. Norma Payne, a Vandenberg spokeswoman, would not discuss whether an explosion occurred or whether the secret payload reached proper orbit.
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