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 oncology [ɒŋ'kɒlәdʒi]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 肿瘤学

[医] 肿瘤学

    [ noun ]
    the branch of medicine concerned with the study and treatment of tumors

    1. Gallo and Bolognesi, but other prominent National Institutes of Health researchers as well, including Samuel Broder, director of clinical oncology at the National Cancer Institute.
    2. "It's would have been a very rough treatment," said Dr. Richard S. Fayssoux, the hematology and oncology specialist who is treating Chapman.
    3. "There is no scientific basis whatever for what the FDA has done," said Dr. F. Kristian Storm III, chairman of surgical oncology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
    4. George Santos, professor of oncology and medicine at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, will receive the prize at a luncheon May 4 in New York.
    5. "The next best step is unknown, but there are choices," said Dr. Richard S. Fayssoux, the hematology and oncology specialist treating Chapman.
    6. These are: anti-infec tives; oncology; allergy; dermatology; cardiovascular and the central nervous system. According to Dr Spiegel, the secret of the company's R&D success lies in its balance of discovery areas.
    7. Rafko plans to return to her former job as an oncology nurse in Toledo, Ohio, after her reign ends.
    8. "Patents are invitations to lawsuits," said David Golde, the head of hematologic oncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York.
    9. Schering-Plough said the expenditures would go primarily toward research into therapy for allergic and inflammatory disorders, infectious and cardiovascular diseases, dermatology, oncology and disorders of the central nervous system.
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