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 oleic [o'liɪk]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 油的, 含于油中的

[医] 油的

    Oleic \O"le*ic\ ([=o]*l[=e]"[i^]k or [=o]*l[=a]"[i^]k or
    [=o]"l[-e]*[i^]k), a. [L. oleum oil: cf. F. ol['e]ique.]
    Pertaining to, derived from, or contained in, oil; as, oleic
    acid, an acid of the acrylic acid series found combined with
    glyceryl in the form of olein in certain animal and vegetable
    fats and oils, such as sperm oil, olive oil, etc. At low
    temperatures the acid is crystalline, but melts to an oily
    liquid above 14[deg] C.

    1. As expected, the saturated fat diet raised blood cholesterol levels an average of 21 milligrams per deciliter of blood plasma over the levels recorded when the volunteers were eating the diet with the natural cis form of oleic acid.
    2. One of the fats that undergoes this change, oleic acid, is an unsaturated fat, the kind that until now has been used to lower cholesterol levels.
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