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 occupier ['ɑkjə`paɪɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 占用者, 居住者, 军事占领者

[法] 占用者, 居住者, 军事占领者

    [ noun ]
    1. someone who lives at a particular place for a prolonged period or who was born there

    2. <noun.person>
    3. a member of a military force who is residing in a conquered foreign country

    4. <noun.person>

    Occupier \Oc"cu*pi`er\, n.
    1. One who occupies, or has possession.

    2. One who follows an employment; hence, a tradesman. [Obs.]
    ``Merchants and occupiers.'' --Holland.

    The occupiers of thy merchandise. --Ezek. xxvii.

    1. "Now the only relationship left is of occupied and occupier," Kareen said.
    2. Only a third of large companies have a comprehensive management information system. Separating the role of landlord and occupier within a company.
    3. Demolition is considered likely. No. 90 BISHOPSGATE Sole occupier is the National Bank of Abu Dhabi.
    4. He's never had much credibility with Palestinians, who see him both as former occupier of their land and as a toady of the West.
    5. These business links provided one source of friendly contact between occupier and occupied.
    6. However, unless the industry adapts to changing patterns of occupier demand, it will find itself producing more of the same in the next development cycle - unwanted buildings of the wrong size and specification in the wrong place.
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