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 obviate ['ɑbvɪ`et]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 除去, 排除, 使成为不必要, 避免


    Obviate \Ob"vi*ate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Obviated}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Obviating}.] [L. obviare; ob (see {Ob-}) + viare to
    go, fr. via way. See {Voyage}.]
    1. To meet in the way. [Obs.]

    Not to stir a step to obviate any of a different
    religion. --Fuller.

    2. To anticipate; to prevent by interception; to remove from
    the way or path; to make unnecessary; as, to obviate the
    necessity of going.

    To lay down everything in its full light, so as to
    obviate all exceptions. --Woodward.

    1. "I pledge my best efforts to obviate the necessity to have to consider such extraordinary measures.
    2. A spokeswoman said the company is "hoping" the response will obviate future layoffs.
    3. "It is hypocritical for the city to proclaim its desire not to use the seminary site against the wishes of the archdiocese while refusing to take any positive action that would obviate the problem," Sand said.
    4. The software is usually displayed as forms, with boxes that can be ticked or filled in. Eventually, pen-based machines could obviate the mountains of paperwork associated with drug trials.
    5. Mr. Black accurately notes that federal legislation could obviate or pre-empt the Indiana law.
    6. One example is the belief among some Middle Eastern powers that the purchase of costly and sophisticated weaponry would enable them to defend themselves against aggression and obviate the need for outside help.
    7. However, the anticipated decline in the inflation rate would obviate the effect of this fall.
    8. This "blue-ribbon" group could advise the board and "obviate challenges" to the special committee's independence, he suggested.
    9. The company also for the first time provided details of its intended merger with Rorer Group Inc., a combination Robins said would obviate earlier charges that funds for Dalkon Shield claimants weren't adequately financed.
    10. A spokesman for the Times said the agreement is designed to obviate the need for additional dismissals.
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