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 nostalgic [nɑs'tældʒɪk]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 乡愁的, 怀旧的

[医] 怀乡病的

    [ adj ]
    unhappy about being away and longing for familiar things or persons

    Nostalgic \Nos*tal"gic\, a. [Cf. F. nostalgique.]
    Of or pertaining to nostalgia; affected with nostalgia.

    1. Mr. Stadiem is unabashedly nostalgic.
    2. For travelers who don't want to lift a finger, there are tours by rail: Mexico's famed Copper Canyon with its 37 bridges and 86 tunnels; Canada coast-to-coast; a nostalgic trip on the Orient Express from Istanbul to Zurich, Switzerland.
    3. He has held on to his father's retirement pin, and he has nostalgic feelings about this area near the Louisiana border, which is known as the Golden Triangle and is home to more than 40 industrial sites, mostly oil-related.
    4. For Bush, it was what he called "a nostalgic return" to RNC headquarters, where he toiled as party chairman during 1973-74 when the Republicans were reeling from the Watergate scandal.
    5. I have a sad and nostalgic feeling of the emotion I felt when I was doing this." Asked about Astaire's dancing, she replied, "I don't think what Fred had is definable.
    6. "The audience was so enthusiastic because they have a nostalgic appeal. They were an inspiration." Sometimes, to give her elderly neighbors a lift, Ms. Dooley brings them to a Ziegfeld show.
    7. It's also a nostalgic look back to the 1960s, with reams of beautiful folklore prints from the likes of Yves Saint Laurent and Ungaro.
    8. Paul Tierney, one of the three Coniston partners, said he felt a little nostalgic about the end of the investor group.
    9. Cars from the 1950s and 1960s are increasing in price for both nostalgic and demographic reasons.
    10. The dialogue and surroundings ring wonderfully true, an admirable exception to the TV-movie rule of glossy stars in nostalgic House Beautiful settings trying to act folksy.
    11. Maybe my children, when they're my age, will be able to feel nostalgic when they smell the varnish of a skateboard.
    12. Israeli leaders planned many festivities for the 40th anniversary, with a nostalgic theme.
    13. It is another very funny, bitter and nostalgic novel.
    14. And while the Capri's somewhat angular lines contrast with the curvy shape of the Miata, both sport nostalgic styling designed to evoke the British roadsters of the 1960s.
    15. Together, they provide a nostalgic, cheerful evening.
    16. The garage-band sound is matched with lyrics that have this child of the '60s sounding nostalgic. "There's a mansion on the hill," Young sings. "Psychedelic music fills the air.
    17. But some of her most telling effects are nostalgic evocations of those long-lost post-war days of comparative innocence, when Olive and William's father, the camel-coated bounder, was in his element.
    18. The store, whose namesake founder started with a small men's shop on the site of one of George Washington's homes, doesn't want to lose that nostalgic good feeling.
    19. But Moser says there is no reason to wax nostalgic about retiring the crayon colors.
    20. Some of the works hold spiritual power for Poles who grow up with reproductions of say, Jozef Chelmonski's nostalgic image of a young girl dreaming on the seashore, or his snow-blown partridges picking through a lonely landscape.
    21. The aged valet, nostalgic for the good old days of serfdom, is usually played for sentiment.
    22. The experience, he admits, gave him quite a nostalgic feeling: he had not been under such heavy fire since his days in the Wehrmacht during World War Two. Since then, his adventures have been political rather than military.
    23. He says the reason "Swing the Mood" is such a big success is that the older generation likes the Glenn Miller sound, people his age like the nostalgic rock that's mixed into it, teens like the dance beat and kids like the bunny.
    24. Delegates looking for nostalgic flashbacks to crinoline petticoats and hoop skirts, moonlight and magnolias in modern Atlanta will just be whistling Dixie from memory and with no help at all from the convention podium.
    25. It was the pit of pits, but on March 5th will become a nostalgic page in Southwest Conference basketball history.
    26. While a nostalgic revival of the old Alliance for Progress is neither wise nor possible, there are a great many useful things we can do together to advance common interests.
    27. FOR somewhat more down-to-earth and less nostalgic picnicking there is the Huzar table (right).
    28. There was an evocatively nostalgic piece on bluegrass music on the Georgia-South Carolina border and a parting photo essay on a rolling Georgia stream, which Mr. Kuralt called "something like nature's own faint fiddle."
    29. For USX, the project is a nostalgic return to its roots: The caster will be part of the Edgar Thomson plant, Andrew Carnegie's first steel mill, and the bagpipers will recall the steel mogul's Scottish heritage.
    30. Now, an almost nostalgic glow seems to bathe Rios Montt's reign; the worldwide condemnation of human rights abuses seems forgotten.
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