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 normal ['nɒ:ml]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 常态, 标准, 正常, 普通

a. 正常的, 正规的, 标准的, 师范的, 正态的

[计] 标准, 普通

[医] 正常的, 标准的, 当量的, 规度的(溶液), 正[链]的

[经] 正常的, 标准的

    [ noun ]
    1. something regarded as a normative example

    2. <noun.cognition>
      the convention of not naming the main character
      violence is the rule not the exception
      his formula for impressing visitors
    [ adj ]
    1. conforming with or constituting a norm or standard or level or type or social norm; not abnormal

    2. <adj.all>
      serve wine at normal room temperature
      normal diplomatic relations
      normal working hours
      normal word order
      normal curiosity
      the normal course of events
    3. in accordance with scientific laws

    4. <adj.all>
    5. being approximately average or within certain limits in e.g. intelligence and development

    6. <adj.all>
      a perfectly normal child
      of normal intelligence
      the most normal person I've ever met
    7. forming a right angle

    8. <adj.all>

    Normal \Nor"mal\ (n[^o]r"mal), n. [Cf. F. normale, ligne
    normale. See {Normal}, a.]
    1. (Geom.) Any perpendicular.

    2. (Geom.) A straight line or plane drawn from any point of a
    curve or surface so as to be perpendicular to the curve or
    surface at that point.

    Note: The term normal is also used to denote the distance
    along the normal line from the curve to the axis of
    abscissas or to the center of curvature.

    Normal \Nor"mal\ (n[^o]r"mal), a. [L. normalis, fr. norma rule,
    pattern, carpenter's square; prob. akin to noscere to know;
    cf. Gr. gnw`rimos well known, gnw`mwn gnomon, also,
    carpenter's square: cf. F. normal. See {Known}, and cf.
    {Abnormal}, {Enormous}.]
    1. According to an established norm, rule, or principle;
    conformed to a type, standard, or regular form; performing
    the proper functions; not abnormal; regular; natural;

    Deviations from the normal type. --Hallam.

    2. (Geom.) According to a square or rule; perpendicular;
    forming a right angle; as, a line normal to the base.
    Specifically: Of or pertaining to a normal.

    3. (Chem.) Standard; original; exact; typical. Specifically:
    (a) (Quantitative Analysis) Denoting a solution of such
    strength that every cubic centimeter contains the same
    number of milligrams of the element in question as the
    number of its molecular weight.
    (b) (Chem.) Denoting certain hypothetical compounds, as
    acids from which the real acids are obtained by
    dehydration; thus, normal sulphuric acid and normal
    nitric acid are respectively {S(OH)6}, and {N(OH)5}.
    (c) (Organ. Chem.) Denoting that series of hydrocarbons in
    which no carbon atom is bound to more than two other
    carbon atoms; as, normal pentane, hexane, etc. Cf.

    {Normal equations} (Method of Least Squares), a set of
    equations of the first degree equal in number to the
    number of unknown quantities, and derived from the
    observations by a specified process. The solution of the
    normal equations gives the most probable values of the
    unknown quantities.

    {Normal group} (Geol.), a group of rocks taken as a standard.

    {Normal place} (of a planet or comet) (Astron.), the apparent
    place in the heavens of a planet or comet at a specified
    time, the place having been determined by a considerable
    number of observations, extending perhaps over many days,
    and so combined that the accidental errors of observation
    have largely balanced each other.

    {Normal school}, a school whose methods of instruction are to
    serve as a model for imitation; an institution for the
    training of teachers.

    Syn: {Normal}, {Regular}, {Ordinary}.

    Usage: Regular and ordinary are popular terms of well-known
    signification; normal has now a more specific sense,
    arising out of its use in science. A thing is normal,
    or in its normal state, when strictly conformed to
    those principles of its constitution which mark its
    species or to the standard of a healthy and natural
    condition. It is {abnormal} when it departs from those

    1. If the utility commission follows its normal schedule for public hearings, the rate change, if granted, would go into effect next January.
    2. "We're running a tightrope between an attempt to keep things normal and secure," Superintendent Donald Monroe said. "We shouldn't tell schools across America to lock their doors to the neighborhoods around them," Monroe said.
    3. The weather across much of the nation was expected to be colder than normal through the weekend, with the chill air pushing into Texas, the Gulf Coast and Florida.
    4. Workers at a Stepanakert silk factory spent two hours Monday morning cleaning a thick layer of dust from their looms and have other maintenance work to do before production is back to normal, Tass reported.
    5. "In Missouri alone, only about 50 percent of our corn crop has been planted and we are more than two weeks behind normal planting cotton," said Sen. Christopher Bond, R-Mo., who spearheaded the senators' efforts.
    6. Short-time workers are defined as employees who stay on their companies payrolls but work less than the normal 38 hours a week.
    7. "The average person figures I'm a normal guy, not a shyster lawyer or a cunning CPA.
    8. The $1 fine would replace the normal penalties for assault or aggravated assault.
    9. An Associated Press study of the 1988 disaster program found farmers who said they were "made whole" by both programs, earning as much or more in insurance claims and disaster payments as they would have with normal harvests.
    10. Up to now, foreign exchange has been grossly under-priced and allocated by government officials. On January 1, the government created the framework for a normal foreign exchange market.
    11. Flights of TAT, British Airways' French regional carrier, are expected to be back to normal following last week's delays caused by pilots' union meetings. NIGERIA: The Foreign and Commonwealth Office says the political situation remains uncertain.
    12. The girl's parents are boring and normal, so she's a rebel.
    13. This year, it predicted that it would be warmer and wetter than normal in the Greater Ohio Valley.
    14. Under normal rail industry practices, the carrier that delivers the freight collects from the shipper and once a month pays intermediate carriers their share of the freight haul.
    15. We know that it is not normal that a country like ours can live in peace and freedom. We know that we have to work every day so that this construction, Confoederatio Helvetica, can go on and become stronger.
    16. Much of the land on which sugar-beet was to be grown remained wet and cold far longer than normal.
    17. Although a two-year U.S. Customs undercover sting operation was based in Tampa, no local employees were named in the indictments. Hancock said the branch continues normal operations.
    18. Nor did the Germans I asked, but then in the FAZ it is normal to kick off with a complex reference to Bismarck.
    19. The number of working U.S. oil and gas rigs declined by 15 this week as it continued on its normal first quarter pace to total 908, Baker Hughes Inc. reported Monday.
    20. Ford said that on some of the chassis, engine governor levels, which are part of the accelerator mechanism, may have been assembled incorrectly, which could ultimately lead to the engine's taking substantially more time than normal to return to idle.
    21. People here have so much money they won't work for normal salaries any more,' he says. Mr Popescu may not have long to wait.
    22. Alachua County is eager to get back to its normal self, a place where people come to study, to raise cattle or perhaps to be healed at famous hospitals.
    23. But the picture quality still is lower than what is provided by normal television broadcasts.
    24. The News has a normal weekday circulation of 1.18 million.
    25. Among mourners was Luxiol Mayor Roger Clausse, who said Dornier "was not always normal and coherent, but he had not committed any crimes and I had no basis to have him interned." Clausse's son, Joel, also was there.
    26. "Her husband said they were not having marital problems," Fletcher said. "It seems that she may have been suffering from some type of depression." The husband told police his wife acted normal Saturday morning.
    27. I was just getting back to feeling normal.
    28. "I believe congressmen should serve their constituents just as well as they serve their libido," Marty Davis said. "It boils down to this: Having a relationship is normal.
    29. Reservoirs are up to 94 percent of normal.
    30. "That's compared to 45 percent last year and a normal of 50 percent, so it's proceeding about on average," he said.
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