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 nonviolence [nɒn'vaiәlәns]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 非暴力

[法] 不诉诸武力的主张, 政策, 无暴力存在

    [ noun ]
    peaceful resistance to a government by fasting or refusing to cooperate

    nonviolence \nonviolence\ n.
    The theory, doctrine, or practice of peaceful resistance to a
    government by fasting or refusing to cooperate.

    Syn: passive resistance.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. "We're talking about principles" to enhance the investment climate and thus "can't be advocating divestment," responds Rev. Sean McManus, national director of the Irish National Caucus, which has a policy of nonviolence.
    2. "Only in the case of South Africa has the doctrine of nonviolence emerged as a central element of our policy," said Wolpe, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Africa subcommittee.
    3. In an interview afterward, Jackson accused Bush of hypocrisy for pressing the issue of nonviolence.
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