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 nonsectarian [nɑnsɛk'tɛrɪən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 无宗派的

    [ adj ]
    not restricted to one sect or school or party
    religious training in a nonsectarian atmospherenonsectarian colleges
    a wide and unsectarian interest in religion

    nonsectarian \nonsectarian\ adj.
    not restricted to one sect or school or party; as, religious
    training in a nonsectarian atmosphere; public funding is
    restricted to nonsectarian colleges. Opposite of {sectarian}.
    [Narrower terms: {ecumenic, oecumenic, ecumenical,
    oecumenical}; {interchurch, interdenominational};
    {nondenominational}; {undenominational, unsectarian ]
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. Convinced that the rigid bureaucracy of Milwaukee's public schools would never reform itself without outside competition, Mrs. Williams pushed through a bill that will allow 1,000 low-income Milwaukee students to attend private, nonsectarian schools.
    2. The Congress Party has deteriorated in recent years and two parties have rushed to fill the vacuum, including a pro-Hindu party, which could alter India's long-standing nondiscriminatory, nonsectarian rule.
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