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 nondefense   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. One measure closely watched by analysts as a barometer of the economy's strength, new orders for nondefense capital goods, rose 1.3% to $30.15 billion in October after climbing 0.7% the month before.
    2. Mr. Fein's goal is for about 30% to 40% of United Industrial's sales to come from nondefense products in the next few years.
    3. Orders for nondefense capital goods, a significant barometer of business investment, edged up just 0.1% in February after falling 8.6% in January.
    4. He said he was particularly encouraged by the gain in orders for nondefense capital goods, an important barometer of business investment.
    5. Excluding aircraft, nondefense capital goods orders dropped 6%, as electrical machinery orders were off 7.6% to their lowest level since March 1989.
    6. Ms. Sidhu pointed in particular to a 10.3% slide in orders for nondefense capital goods, closely watched as a barometer of the industrial sector's investment and production plans.
    7. The Commerce Department reported that while overall durable goods orders in April rose 2.9%, more than many economists had expected, the critical nondefense capital goods sector tumbled 10.3%.
    8. A disturbing aspect of the report was a 3% drop in orders for nondefense capital goods, which are considered a barometer of future business investment.
    9. The biggest negative note was a 3.8% drop in orders for nondefense capital goods.
    10. One negative note in the report was a drop in orders for nondefense capital goods, which are an important barometer of future business investment.
    11. Lesser increases in imports, decreases in nonfarm inventory investment and increased nondefense purchases were mainly responsible.
    12. Rockwell's aerospace earnings fell 30%, with the biggest blow the ending of the B-1 bomber program, but a lower tax provision and increased profit in nondefense sectors lifted fiscal-fourth-quarter net income 33%.
    13. The Commerce Department said that, excluding volatile military bookings, orders were up a brisk 1.2%, showing strength in nondefense industrial activity.
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