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 noncommunist ['nɔn'kɔmjunist添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 非共产主义者

a. 非共产主义的

    1. Most Brazilians prefer to forget the fact that 3 1/2 years ago, when Collor assumed office, Brazil was the most regulated and protected economy in the noncommunist world.
    2. They said committee members wanted to encourage noncommunist groups to engage in political struggle rather than in dubious military operations that could end up helping the Khmer Rouge.
    3. Soviet and Chinese analysts, meanwhile, have offered explanations of the stock market debacles in terms that wouldn't look out of place in noncommunist journals.
    4. Soviet net exports of nickel to noncommunist countries rose by about 30 million pounds in 1986, Mr. Phillips estimated.
    5. India, a Soviet ally of long standing, was the only noncommunist country to recognize the Afghan government after the coup in 1978.
    6. He also said the U.S. has suspended aid to the noncommunist resistance while reviewing reports that it cooperated with the Khmer Rouge.
    7. For one thing, we're such an important factor in the noncommunist world that we can put off doing much or even anything for quite a while.
    8. With our support, South Vietnam and Cambodia could have survived as independent, noncommunist nations after the 1973 Paris Peace Agreement.
    9. "I sound like a business leader when I say this," says Mr. Espel, of the large noncommunist Confederation Francaise Democratique du Travail.
    10. Finally, recent empirical research at RAND shows that a strong, large and technologically well-developed military sector is a statistically significant attribute setting communist systems apart from noncommunist ones.
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