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 niece [ni:s]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 侄女, 甥女

    [ noun ]
    a daughter of your brother or sister

    Niece \Niece\ (n[=e]s), n. [OE. nece, F. ni[`e]ce, LL. neptia,
    for L. neptis a granddaughter, niece, akin to nepos. See
    1. A relative, in general; especially, a descendant, whether
    male or female; a granddaughter or a grandson. [Obs.] --B.
    Jonson. Wyclif. Shak.

    2. Especially: A daughter of one's brother or sister, or of
    one's brother-in-law or sister-in-law. In modern English,
    this is the primary meaning.

    1. The novelist invents a certain Lucy Moncrieffe, niece of the British foreign secretary of the time, Lord Aberdeen, but no harm is done and she makes a surprisingly uninhibited Victorian heroine.
    2. Chilstrom said he had helped officiate at the marriage of his Lutheran niece to a Catholic and hoped that someday the couple would be able to take Holy Communion together.
    3. Witnesses said Mrs. Rainey drove herself and her wounded sister and niece away from the church after the shooting, and her Ford sedan was riddled with bullet holes.
    4. Abernathy will be buried at Lincoln Cemetery, said his niece, Brenda Russell.
    5. "I heard a woman screaming, asking for help at my door," Gale, 48, said on Friday. "It was my niece.
    6. Deputies cannot explain why the niece survived.
    7. The Hernandezes and their niece found seating after officials turned them away Friday and Saturday because the bleachers were unfinished.
    8. The Quesada family endured another funeral and the widow, sister and a niece sued the funeral home.
    9. Joselito C. Camangian, 23, who arrived in Santa Clara from the Philippines about five months ago, was arrested late Thursday at a gas station about a block from the duplex where the bodies of his brother, two sisters and a niece were found.
    10. The filing was made on behalf of Robert S. Weiss, executor of Frances Hammer's estate and husband of Joan Weiss, the niece to whom Mrs. Hammer left most of her property in the new will.
    11. But the benefit formula did not offer enough money to satisfy Michael Oldak, lawyer for Resnik's divorced father, Marvin, and her niece and nephew.
    12. Hundreds more arrived over the next five years, as thousands of "boat people" fled Vietnam. Tu Pineda, who fled with her son, a niece and two nephews, was among them.
    13. Some relatives didn't believe Kephart was still alive, said a niece, Janice Dow of Logan, who was 10 months old when he disappeared. "It always seemed like a big mystery to me," she said during the open house at the Frontier Motor Lodge.
    14. Although Ms. Thoron had assisted her niece during the birth pursuant to the hospital's gender-neutral labor and delivery room policy, she was excluded from all-day visiting privileges because she was not the child's father.
    15. Mrs. Thom said she thought she was traveling to Georgia to pick up Mrs. Smith's niece for a return trip to New York.
    16. His body was found with that of 13-year-old Nilda Cartagena - the driver's niece - in June 1989.
    17. Just from a practical standpoint, if the show gets a good rating, I'd like to have the freedom to do more." What brings McCloud to London is the murder of his niece, who had been working for a chemical company.
    18. Survivors include a niece, Joanna Roberts Chandler of Austin, Texas, and nephews Jim Roberts of San Antonio and Rob Parr of Oklahoma City, and several cousins.
    19. "My dear," said one elderly (and fashionable) woman customer to her friend, "my niece is leaving her husband to marry Nelson Rockefeller, and we are all devastated."
    20. The name, address and phone for my niece were on the suitcase.
    21. A man who allowed his 13-year-old niece to drive a car while he helped steer, only to have it plunge into a rain-swollen creek, died today, bringing the toll from the weekend accident to five, a hospital official said.
    22. The Fairmont woman was shot in front of her teen-age daughter, sister and niece, who were in the back seat, police said.
    23. Krasner died Saturday at the Motion Picture and Television Hospital, said his niece, Sharon Webster.
    24. Her daughter, her two brothers, a sister, a cousin and a niece perished in the fire early Sunday morning at the Happy Land club, a hangout for Latin Americans.
    25. It told the tale of Wang Guaifa, 47, who lost both his daughter and niece to kidnappers in Baoding in January.
    26. Inability to adapt to changing circumstances has added to the party's marginalisation, despite the asset of its glamorous new deputy, Ms Alessandra Mussolini (grand-daughter of Il Duce and niece of Sophia Loren).
    27. He asked for a ride "in the event the president has a plane going to California for his niece's wedding."
    28. He is survived by a niece, Alla Stewart Du Vall of Chico, Calif.
    29. "I don't feel anything bad against me here," said Miss Mussolini, who is also a niece of actress Sophia Loren.
    30. A niece and nephew of Somoza, exiled since his overthrow by the leftist Sandinistas in July 1979, said they were flying to Managua, the capital, Saturday to become the first members of the old ruling family to return to Nicaragua.
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