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 nervously ['nə:vəsli添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. She was gnawing her nails nervously.
  2. The surgeon was operating on my wife. I had to wait it out nervously sitting outside.

[ adv ]
  1. in an anxiously nervous manner

  2. <adv.all>
    we watched the stock market nervously
  3. with nervous excitement

  4. <adv.all>
    our bodies jumped nervously away at the slightest touch

Nervously \Nerv"ous*ly\, adv.
In a nervous manner.

  1. The events in Poland are being viewed nervously in Prague, where government officials expect demonstrations Monday to commemorate the Soviet invasion in 1968.
  2. Individual stories played a major part in trading yesterday, writes Our Markets Staff. Alcatel was the main story in PARIS as investors reacted nervously to comments by Mr Pierre Suard, the chairman, that turnover and profits would fall this year.
  3. Wall Street traders, who have been nervously hanging onto their Koppers shares as one court case after another threatened to upset the takeover, were ecstatic yesterday.
  4. "Where's Mario?" came the cry from Democrats nervously looking for a winner.
  5. Last year it reported a fall in new orders and looks on nervously as Alcatel of France - which has a substantial German telecoms business - repeatedly downgrades its profit forecasts.
  6. Shaken by the boos of the crowd whenever the Japanese wrestlers enter the arena, one Japanese laughs nervously and says, "I'm glad we didn't have to cheer our man against the Korean.
  7. Unfortunately, not many in the audience heard the nervously muttered punch line: "loose lips."
  8. Investors were nervously seeking any information they could about the bonds yesterday.
  9. But losses were small and sector analysts remained confident that lower rates are on the way. Banking and financial shares moved nervously around overnight levels as the profits reporting season rolled on.
  10. As travelers ride through some of the country's most spectacular mountain scenery, they watch nervously in fear of a rocket attack by Moslem guerrillas who have infiltrated the area.
  11. He can reduce high-powered, haughty attorneys to the level of red-faced, stammering schoolboys standing nervously before him.
  12. I asked, nervously, as it would probably be my job to remove the waste material produced by both of them. 'No.
  13. Arena backers are nervously proceeding with plans to display the carrier's name on thousands of ceramic floor tiles, on the roof for overhead flights to see, emblazoned across center court and rigged on metal signs above each entrance.
  14. In the stock market, investors are nervously awaiting the onslaught of second-quarter earnings reports and watching how the bond market responds to its new supply.
  15. Shearson's Mr. DaPuzzo said retail investors nervously sold stock Friday and never returned to bargain-hunt.
  16. Stock prices in Tokyo and London plummeted in hectic trading as investors reacted nervously to the dollar's renewed slide against the yen and the threat of U.S. trade sanctions.
  17. Like others at the 1980 Republican national convention, orchestra leader Manny Harmon was nervously awaiting announcement of Ronald Reagan's choice for vice presidential running mate.
  18. Outside, the democrats nervously cool their heels in Mr. Litvinsov's plush waiting room, wondering what Mr. Ananyev is up to.
  19. "I'm scared," she murmured under her breath as she paced nervously, holding her youngest child to her breast.
  20. The jury has spoken." North, 45, was pale and smiling nervously as he entered the courtroom where his trial began with jury selection more than three months ago.
  21. Kevin Flanagan, money market economist at Dean Witter Reynolds Inc., said reports that the war might escalate were received nervously in part because analysts offered a wide array of scenarios explaining how such an event might affect the bond market.
  22. And then a few days ago, Kwizera felt brave enough to walk into her mother's cage, the keepers nervously standing by with fire hoses in case Babs attacked her daughter again.
  23. In mid-movie Irons is seen nervously woolgathering at an EC conference, before dashing off to Paris to disturb the bedsheets of his weekending son and mistress.
  24. Traders also nervously were watching meetings in Vienna, Austria, between officials of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and rival producers over ways of tightening world supplies to boost prices.
  25. Apparel makers, already jolted by the bankruptcy-law filing of retailer L.J. Hooker Corp. earlier this year, nervously were monitoring Campeau's liquidity squeeze.
  26. Back home, families waited nervously.
  27. The refugees at the Ladispoli tent spoke nervously about their new homes and the state of their English.
  28. Ten thousand Iranians shook their fists while chanting of death to Iraq and the "Great Satan" America at Friday prayers, glancing nervously skyward now and then for the vapor trails of incoming missiles.
  29. Before glasnost, School No. 734 on Friday would have looked like this: 17-year-olds lined up in the hall in the summer heat, nervously awaiting a grilling on Soviet politics and history by a panel of teachers.
  30. Once the market was closed, they began trying to piece together what had happened before news of the British television report came in and they began nervously watching the cash market.
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