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 national ['næʃənəl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 国家的, 国立的, 全国性的, 民族的

[经] 全国性的, 国家的, 国民的

  1. Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country.
  2. Our newspaper is a national newspaper.

[ noun ]
  1. a person who owes allegiance to that nation

  2. <noun.person>
    a monarch has a duty to his subjects
[ adj ]
  1. of or relating to or belonging to a nation or country

  2. <adj.pert>
    national hero
    national anthem
    a national landmark
  3. limited to or in the interests of a particular nation

  4. <adj.all>
    national interests
    isolationism is a strictly national policy
  5. concerned with or applicable to or belonging to an entire nation or country

  6. <adj.all>
    the national government
    national elections
    of national concern
    the national highway system
    national forests
  7. characteristic of or peculiar to the people of a nation

  8. <adj.pert>
    a national trait
  9. of or relating to nationality

  10. <adj.pert>
    national origin
  11. owned or maintained for the public by the national government

  12. <adj.all>
    national parks
  13. inside the country

  14. <adj.all>
    the British Home Office has broader responsibilities than the United States Department of the Interior
    the nation's internal politics

National \Na"tion*al\ (?; 277), a. [Cf. F. national.]
1. Of or pertaining to a nation; common to a whole people or
race; public; general; as, a national government,
language, dress, custom, calamity, etc.

2. Attached to one's own country or nation.

{National anthem}, a popular song or hymn which has become by
general acceptance the recognized musical expression of
the patriotic sentiment of a nation; as, ``God save the
King'' is called the national anthem of England.

{National bank}, the official common name of a class of
banking corporations established under the laws of the
United States.

{National flag}. See under {Flag}.

{National guard}, a body of militia, or a local military
organization, as in Paris during the French Revolution, or
as certain bodies of militia in other European countries
and in the United States.

{National salute}, a salute consisting of as many guns as
there are States in the Union. [U.S.]

national \na"tion*al\ (?; 277), n.
1. A citizen (of a particular country); as, U. S. nationals
are advised to contact their embassy when abroad.

2. A country-wide sports competition; for a series of
competitions, the plural form is usually used; as, to
advance to the nationals.

  1. It was founded by William Russell, a member of the Yale Class of 1833, apparently in reaction to the stripping of secrecy from Phi Beta Kappa, the honorary scholastic society, during the rise of a national anti-secrecy movement.
  2. Officially, western German gross national product rose by an inflation-adjusted 3.1% in 1991.
  3. The District of Columbia has the nation's second highest per capita income after the state of Connecticut: $20,303 annually, which is 32.3 percent higher than the national average.
  4. David Sendler, TV Guide's national section editor, acknowledged the illustration could be mistaken for a photograph.
  5. Although fraternal ties with vendors have been common for decades in Japan, U.S. companies "tend to regard the supplier as their enemy," says Terry Ozan, national director of manufacturing services at Ernst & Young.
  6. He said the whole question of the national emergency was under constant review and it would be lifted as soon as circumstances permit.
  7. Newton's "Aramus" herd, named after a favorite Polish national champion stallion owned by the entertainer, is considered one of the top five Arabian herds in the world.
  8. At the same time, 30% of Puerto Rican families in the U.S. live in poverty, compared with a 9% national average.
  9. Roberts was national editor at the Times after covering the 1960s civil rights movement and the Vietnam War for the newspaper.
  10. Richard Dennis was national co-chairman of Bruce Babbitt's presidential campaign.
  11. Communist officials under pressure to resolve the country's rising economic and political turmoil said Wednesday that a party conference will grapple next week with changes in national leadership.
  12. The Kremlin's television statement accused the Lithuanian leadership of planning to turn over national factories to private owners, bring in a separate currency and put up customs posts on the borders of the republic.
  13. Banks and factories were closed Wednesday for a national holiday, but sympathy strikes continued.
  14. "This confirms our suspicions that small investors were and remain the invisible victims of the Oct. 19 stock market crash," said John Baldwin, the new president of the NASAA, the national organization for state securities regulators.
  15. We share the concern of many national leaders that the abortion debate keeps us from moving on to other pressing issues.
  16. The company's stock, which had traded as high as $22.50 during the past year, slid to $13 after the FDA hearing and closed yesterday at $8.75, down 50 cents, in national over-the-counter trading.
  17. People need people, a national strategy for the requirement, and the opportunities, for volunteers was introduced on Monday by Ken Bruce, and continued through the week by him and others with helpful information.
  18. Tokyo markets will be closed Monday for a national holiday.
  19. U.S. officials appear to have given up a demand they voiced last week that Japan pledge a specific percentage of its annual gross national product to public works.
  20. He said Wright, a "strong-willed man with strong ideas," would probably want to continue to play a part in national affairs _ writing, speaking or teaching.
  21. The trip is an exception to travel restrictions attached to his release on bail while he awaits a March trial on charges he helped the late leader of the Philippines, Ferdinand Marcos, and his wife, Imelda, defraud their national treasury.
  22. The attack came the same day Colombians voted in a national election to choose 70 members of an assembly to rewrite the country's 104-year-old constitution.
  23. One hundred percent of its graduates go to college, a majority to Ivy League schools. The football team has a 91 grade average and scored an average of 1,300 on national Scholastic Aptitude Tests; the national average is 903.
  24. One hundred percent of its graduates go to college, a majority to Ivy League schools. The football team has a 91 grade average and scored an average of 1,300 on national Scholastic Aptitude Tests; the national average is 903.
  25. The national group's newsletter carries a column entitled "Saints of the Closet?" which profiles the lives of saints thought to have been homosexual.
  26. But union officials have said the move violates local and national contracts and they are angry they were not notified about the action before it appeared in the media.
  27. Gateway stock closed at 50 cents, down 6.25 cents, in national over-the-counter trading Friday.
  28. Lawrence P. Lataif will head McDermott, Will's national and international business immigration practice.
  29. A book of Kuri's stories, including "Soba," scored third on a June list of national best sellers, and a movie deal is in the making.
  30. But Kraft, which says it has captured 57% of the national market since its 1987 entry, is responding aggressively to the new competition.
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