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 naphthaline ['næfθə`lɪn添加此单词到默认生词本
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    Naphthalin \Naph"tha*lin\, Naphthaline \Naph"tha*line\, n. [F.
    naphthaline.] (Chem.)
    See {Naphthalene}.

    Naphthalene \Naph"tha*lene\, n. (Chem.)
    A white crystalline aromatic hydrocarbon, {C10H8}, analogous
    to benzene, and obtained by the distillation of certain
    bituminous materials, such as the heavy oil of coal tar. It
    is the type and basis of a large number of derivatives among
    organic compounds. Formerly called also {naphthaline}.

    {Naphthalene red} (Chem.), a dyestuff obtained from certain
    diazo derivatives of naphthylamine, and called also
    {magdala red}.

    {Naphthalene yellow} (Chem.), a yellow dyestuff obtained from
    certain nitro derivatives of naphthol.

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