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 mousetrap ['maʊs`træp]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 捕鼠器, 诡计

vt. 诱捕

    [ noun ]
    1. a trap for catching mice

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. (American football) a play in which a defensive player is allowed to cross the line of scrimmage and then blocked off as the runner goes through the place the lineman vacated

    4. <noun.act>

    mousetrap \mouse"trap`\, mouse trap \mouse" trap`\, n.
    Any device that catches, and usually kills, mice. They are of
    various designs, the most common being a stiff loop of wire
    mounted on a small wooden platform base and attached to a
    strong spring, which holds the loop firmly against the base.
    To activate the trap, the loop is pulled through a 180[deg]
    arc against the tension of the spring and held against the
    base by a delicate metal catch, which can keep the loop from
    moving, though in a state of high tension. The metal catch is
    moved when a mouse tries to take a piece of bait attached to
    it, releasing the loop which forcefully moves though an arc,
    usually killing the mouse. A larger version of the same
    device is used as a {rat trap}.

    1. Going in to the debate, she thought she had built a better mousetrap.
    2. "If you've got a better mousetrap, I guess you can sell it almost any time." Despite the partnership industry's current woes, Mr. Nettles predicts the business "will slowly turn around, but when I don't know.
    3. The mousetrap works this way: The mouse crawls in to get the bait, tips the trap and causes the door to lock behind it.
    4. "We've come up with a better mousetrap to reassure, or assure, the public that our California-grown food is in fact safe," he said.
    5. "For years, the motto was 'Build a better mousetrap.'
    6. "If you build a better mousetrap, it will catch more mice," says Fred Benninger, chairman of MGM Grand.
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