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 motorized ['motəraɪzd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 摩托化的, 机动化的

    [ adj ]
    1. equipped with a motor or motors

    2. <adj.all>
      a motorized wheelchair
    3. using vehicles

    4. <adj.all>
      motorized warfare

    motorized \motorized\ adj.
    1. same as {motored}; as, a motorized wheelchair. Opposite of
    {unmotorized}. [Narrower terms: {bimotored ; {trimotored

    Syn: motored.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    2. Equipped with vehicles to permit rapid movement from place
    to place.

    Syn: mechanized.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. The group has claimed responsibility for an attack into northern Israel last November in which a guerrilla flying a motorized hang glider killed six Israeli soldiers and wounded eight before he was shot dead.
    2. West German television, in an early evening newscast, showed two motorized Greenpeace dinghies just under the Iowa's giant anchor, which was hovering in the air.
    3. The front claimed responsibility for a Dec. 26 attack on an army base in northern Israel by a guerrilla who flew a motorized hang-glider across the border from Lebanon.
    4. For 10 years, the 44-year-old business owner has relied on a motorized cart because of her muscular dystrophy.
    5. In his letter to Krenz, the swami asked for the motorized kite back.
    6. The rebel statement, released in Lisbon and signed by the rebel's resident delegate Manuel Frank, said the Cubans are members of motorized infantry units.
    7. Telam said the rebels arrived later at a motorized military unit in Villa Martelli about eight miles away.
    8. It is not known how long Iraq's stores of the additives will last, and more importantly, how long those reserves can keep the motorized army functioning, European diplomats said.
    9. The capsized craft, called a pumpboat or motorlaunch, is a motorized canoe with outriggers.
    10. The 8,500 Eastern Machinists are about equally divided between two distinct groups: relatively skilled aircraft mechanics and less skilled ramp service workers, who fuel planes, handle baggage and drive motorized equipment on airport runways.
    11. These are not motorized floats.
    12. To deal with pet hair, choose a unit that has a motorized power brush attachment with both long and short bristles.
    13. The owner of a boat service catering to disabled and elderly people is battling federal officials who say motorized craft aren't allowed in a popular wilderness recreation area.
    14. The jumpers, along motorized rubber boats and medical supplies, would parachute from 3,000 feet into the water near where the astronauts were located.
    15. Sunwa Sharyo Manufacturing of Japan makes Stair-Trac, a motorized device with tracks that can attach to a manual wheelchair and help a disabled person up or down stairs.
    16. One of the motorized rafts slipped up to the submerged Tennessee and the three-man crew attached three "nuclear free seas" banners to the submarine, two to the radio mast and one on the side, Fagan said.
    17. A Front guerrilla flew a motorized hang glider into northern Israel in a failed attempt to bomb an oil refinery.
    18. Leading a crew of four rescuers, Charles "Stormy" Mayo, head of the Center for Coastal Studies in Provincetown, Mass., launched two inflatable and motorized dinghies and floated on top of the two whales.
    19. Friday's demonstrations were advertised as hikes, but some were entirely motorized.
    20. They said he told them he fled Vietnam on April 14 on a motorized wooden boat with about 130 refugees, including 20 children.
    21. He has no mobility below his upper shoulders and uses a mouthstick to operate his motorized wheelchair.
    22. Survivors of a Christmas Eve sea accident in the southern Philippines claimed Tuesday they were attacked by a giant octopus that overturned their motorized canoe.
    23. The Soviet army commandant in Berlin proclaimed a state of siege and two motorized divisions occupied the city.
    24. Montreal-based Bombardier designs and manufactures transportation equipment and motorized consumer products.
    25. A motorized rubber boat patrolled near the bow of the burning ship.
    26. A Hungarian flew over the Austrian border in a motorized hang glider Monday and asked for political asylum, authorities said.
    27. The statement said the passengers and crew were rescued by motorized lifeboats from nearby cruise ships and from Palmer Station.
    28. He goes out every day with a few relatives in a long, narrow motorized dinghy and brings in about 200 pounds of corvina, bagre and other local fish.
    29. Afghanistan's Radio Kabul reported Sunday that halfway point was reached over the weekend when a motorized rifle regiment of 200 vehicles and 3,000 troops left for the Soviet Union from the western city of Herat.
    30. The group was ferried to the cutter Point Barnes by a motorized rubber raft, and the Bushes jumped in for a swim _ Mrs. Bush first, followed by her husband.
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