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 mothball ['mɔθ`bɔl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 樟脑丸, 保藏

vt. 封存

a. 封存的

    [ noun ]
    1. a small sphere of camphor or naphthalene used to keep moths away from stored clothing

    2. <noun.artifact>
    [ verb ]
    1. put into long-term storage

    2. <verb.possession>

    mothball \moth"ball`\ n.
    A small sphere of camphor or naphthalene used to keep moths
    away from stored clothing.

    Syn: camphor ball.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    mothball \moth"ball`\ v. t.
    To put into long-term storage; as, to mothball the
    battleships not needed after the war.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. Officials estimated repairs would cost $13 million, which led to the decision to mothball the ship as part of efforts to cut the federal budget deficit.
    2. For example, he has told the Navy to mothball 16 aging frigates and has ordered Air Force reductions to meet reduced defense budgets.
    3. Rep. Kasich has proposed a measure that would mothball the tooling for the B-2 after only 16 planes are built.
    4. The budget also includes plans to mothball two battleships, the USS New Jersey and the USS Iowa, and cancellations of various weapons programs, some of which were on the chopping block last year.
    5. The cuts come only days after rival Petro-Canada announced plans to sell a third of its retail gas stations and mothball or convert two of its five refineries.
    6. Chevron Chemical Co. said it will close and mothball its ammonia-fertilizer plant in Pascagoula, Miss., by Jan. 28 because of a continuing slump in the nitrogen-fertilizer industry.
    7. The Navy plans to mothball the battleships Iowa and New Jersey in a money-saving move that would leave only two active battleships, a Defense Department official says.
    8. Turned down an attempt to mothball three of the Navy's four battleships, one more than Bush has proposed in his fiscal 1991 budget and the total adopted by the House Armed Services Committee in its $283 billion defense bill.
    9. The implication is that Glenkinchie has also produced more than it can sell. Still, UD is unlikely to mothball Glenkinchie, which plays is part of the highly successful 'Classic Malts' portfolio.
    10. The Disburgers have tried ultra-sound, mothball crystals and smoke bombs to get rid of the bats.
    11. The last Golf model rolls off the 1.5-mile-long assembly line Thursday, the last day of work for all but 700 to 800 employees who will remain to help mothball the plant, said VW spokesman Chet Bahn.
    12. The budget also includes plans to mothball two battleships, the USS New Jersey and the USS Iowa, and various cancellations of weapons programs, some of which had been placed on the chopping block last year.
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