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 mooring   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 系泊, 系留, 停泊处, 系船处

    [ noun ]
    1. a place where a craft can be made fast

    2. <noun.location>
    3. (nautical) a line that holds an object (especially a boat) in place

    4. <noun.artifact>

    Moor \Moor\ (m[=oo]r), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Moored} (m[=oo]rd);
    p. pr. & vb. n. {Mooring}.] [Prob. fr. D. marren to tie,
    fasten, or moor a ship. See {Mar}.]
    1. (Naut.) To fix or secure, as a vessel, in a particular
    place by casting anchor, or by fastening with cables or
    chains; as, the vessel was moored in the stream; they
    moored the boat to the wharf.

    2. Fig.: To secure, or fix firmly. --Brougham.

    Mooring \Moor"ing\, n.
    1. The act of confining a ship to a particular place, by
    means of anchors or fastenings.

    2. That which serves to confine a ship to a place, as
    anchors, cables, bridles, etc.

    3. pl. The place or condition of a ship thus confined.

    And the tossed bark in moorings swings. --Moore.

    {Mooring block} (Naut.), a heavy block of cast iron sometimes
    used as an anchor for mooring vessels.

    1. The dinosaur _ the familiar brontosaur that is Sinclair's corporate symbol _ floated loose from its mooring outside the Sinclair station during Monday's floods and cruised along the highway in this southeastern Iowa town.
    2. LTV spokeswoman Debbie Kavulich said her company took the necessary precautions prior to New Year's Day at the company's mooring facility three miles upstream from Pittsburgh, where 15 of the wayward barges came from.
    3. "I do not want to misplace our appreciation for the award, but the oil is a real threat to us," said DeeVon Quirolo, who has helped her husband Craig install 83 mooring buoys to keep boaters from damaging reefs with anchors.
    4. The refinery operating the offshore oil pipeline mooring and ship's pilots who guide tankers to it were blamed for the February spill in the report released Wednesday.
    5. A team of government surveyors, meanwhile, charted the mooring area about 2 miles off Huntington Beach where the tanker American Trader tanker spilled 400,000 gallons of oil Feb. 7.
    6. One of the men donned stolen underwater gear and freed the propeller, then swam in front of the yacht to keep it clear, cutting all mooring lines in his path through the harbor channel.
    7. The American Trader, whose cargo was owned by British Petroleum, leaked 394,000 gallons of crude while mooring at an offshore oil pipeline at Huntington Beach.
    8. The incident was Hawaii's second oil spill in less than a month. On March 2, the tanker Exxon Houston broke loose from a mooring and ran aground off Oahu, spilling more than 30,000 gallons of oil and polluting two miles of shoreline.
    9. On Tuesday, five Greenpeace members were arrested after they chained a dinghy to the rear of a sewage barge and a protester to a mooring line, police said.
    10. The SS Clipper had fallen on hard financial times, ousted first from Chicago's Navy Pier over a rent dispute, then from its mooring on the Chicago River.
    11. Robert Brandenburger, failed "to be fully cognizant of accurate sea berth water depth information." A mooring master is an independent local captain hired by vessel operators to guide large ships to offshore moorings.
    12. But they ran into trouble in Tangier, on the northernmost coast of Morocco, when the yacht's propeller became entangled in mooring lines.
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