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 monstrous ['mɒnstrәs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 巨大的, 畸形的, 怪异的

[法] 巨大的, 异形的, 畸形的:荒诞的

    [ adj ]
    1. abnormally large

    2. <adj.all>
    3. shockingly brutal or cruel

    4. <adj.all>
      murder is an atrocious crime
      a grievous offense against morality
      a grievous crime
      no excess was too monstrous for them to commit
    5. distorted and unnatural in shape or size; abnormal and hideous

    6. <adj.all>
      tales of grotesque serpents eight fathoms long that churned the seas
      twisted into monstrous shapes

    Monstrous \Mon"strous\, a. [OE. monstruous, F. monstrueux, fr.
    L. monstruosus, fr. monstrum. See {Monster}.]
    1. Marvelous; strange. [Obs.]

    2. Having the qualities of a monster; deviating greatly from
    the natural form or character; abnormal; as, a monstrous
    birth. --Locke.

    He, therefore, that refuses to do good to them whom
    he is bound to love . . . is unnatural and monstrous
    in his affections. --Jer. Taylor.

    3. Extraordinary in a way to excite wonder, dislike,
    apprehension, etc.; -- said of size, appearance, color,
    sound, etc.; as, a monstrous height; a monstrous ox; a
    monstrous story.

    4. Extraordinary on account of ugliness, viciousness, or
    wickedness; hateful; horrible; dreadful.

    So bad a death argues a monstrous life. --Shak.

    5. Abounding in monsters. [R.]

    Where thou, perhaps, under the whelming tide
    Visitest the bottom of the monstrous world.

    Monstrous \Mon"strous\, adv.
    Exceedingly; very; very much. ``A monstrous thick oil on the
    top.'' --Bacon.

    And will be monstrous witty on the poor. --Dryden.

    1. Republicans may have been the party of low taxes and lower spending, but you can't pick and choose and blame the monstrous deficit spending on the Democrats and take credit for the lower taxes.
    2. It is freezing. There is a gas heater in the room, a vast, primitive thing that looks like a pre-industrial revolution experiment, all monstrous valves and knobs and stopcocks.
    3. Inevitably some of the investments now being made will in the future look to have been a monstrous waste. Mr Richard Bodmin, head of strategy at AT&T, the biggest US long-distance phone company, says that the duplication is necessary.
    4. "Ambition, corruption and immorality in so many hearts have bred monstrous personalities," Guatemala's Roman Catholic bishops said in an anguished message about the wave of violence.
    5. For his part, Mr. Otaiba said the group has done well, considering the fact that OPEC was waging its price battle against "the monstrous use of inventories to weaken prices."
    6. "Japan's monstrous destructive capacity requires monstrous solutions," adds Juliette Majot of the International Rivers group.
    7. "Japan's monstrous destructive capacity requires monstrous solutions," adds Juliette Majot of the International Rivers group.
    8. We've seen how that last monstrous idea has worked this decade _ the war between Iran and Iraq, whose initial aim was control over an oil-rich province, has done more damage to both countries than 10 plagues.
    9. The first denounced the monstrous greed of capitalism, making much play with the published salaries of selected heads of big industrial companies.
    10. "Gorbachevism" has its dangers and is creating a new sort of monstrous lie, the creation of an illusion of freedom where people are really able to speak out.
    11. Innocent may have been bored on the Sseses, but I found plenty of things to do. I went fishing in dug-out canoes for the monstrous Nile perch that inhabit the lake.
    12. Already, the plunging bond market and some enormous trading losses over the past few months have exposed dirty linen some firms didn't know they had: unprofitable business lines, monstrous overhead and skimpy management controls.
    13. Neptune rises monstrous at the far end of the silent, deserted quay.
    14. This continent belongs to everyone." He described Antarctica as "huge and sometimes monstrous."
    15. They enthusiastically support the bill, even in its earlier, more monstrous forms.
    16. "They're going against pretty monstrous numbers that are tough to beat," said Arthur Charpentier of Merritt Research in White Plains, N.Y.
    17. Both players are monstrous villains by the lights of civilized conduct.
    18. We ourselves don't' So you could find yourself in 20 years the unwitting father of some monstrous project? 'I hope not.
    19. It retains rear-wheel drive, which performance purists crave, and can be bought with a monstrous five-liter V-8 engine that's typically reserved for cars twice its size.
    20. On architecture, Charles called one planned museum addition "a monstrous carbuncle" and dubbed another planned building "a glass stump."
    21. But there is more to this monstrous disparity than that. My friend was in Scotland; it rained; he caught fish.
    22. "A more monstrous theft of public funds has seldom been imagined," he wrote.
    23. Now is not the time to embark on the implementation of such a monstrous project.' To keep abreast with world trade, however, the authority is continuing to review the way in which tolls are levied.
    24. But at least Nuffield, with its monstrous tower, can be seen from Carfax.
    25. Legal expenses are monstrous.
    26. Washington's tyrant is more mannered than monstrous.
    27. His highness called it a "monstrous carbuncle."
    28. The market's losses have been so monstrous, and its reputation is so tarnished, that it is hard to imagine memberships in even the more profitable and reputable syndicates fetching a price in line with the size of their business.
    29. "It was monstrous _ like the tornado in the `Wizard of Oz,' " said Tracey Hardman after seeing the twister. "It was awesome." The tornados were the worst to hit the Panhandle in three years, said National Weather Service spokesman Ray Lowe.
    30. First the philosopher Nietzsche, with his monstrous sister Elisabeth (Rosemary McHale, faultlessly Teutonic and intense) and her husband (Paul Bentall), who set out in 1890 with 150 dogged Swabians to found a pure German colony in South America.
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