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 monogamy [mə'nɑgəmɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 一夫一妻制

[医] 单配

    [ noun ]
    having only one spouse at a time

    Monogamy \Mo*nog"a*my\, n. [L. monogamia, Gr. ?: cf. F.
    1. Single marriage; marriage with but one person, husband or
    wife, at the same time; -- opposed to {polygamy}. Also,
    one marriage only during life; -- opposed to

    2. (Zo["o]l.) State of being paired with a single mate.

    1. A gay Episcopal priest who caused an uproar with his comments on celibacy and monogamy says he will not honor a request that he refrain from priestly duties while the diocese investigates his views.
    2. The math model suggests that altruism and monogamy "are a good combination that produces a situation where the individuals who carry this combination have more offspring," said Feldman in a telephone interview.
    3. Studds criticized the Reagan administration's response to AIDS. "This president seems to think the answer to this disease is monogamy and marriage," he said.
    4. He told the newspaper he was never questioned about his views on monogamy before he was approved for ordination.
    5. Williams called monogamy "as unnatural as celibacy," in comments the newspaper said were carried by the Religious News Service following a Jan. 13 church forum in Detroit.
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