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 miscommunication   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. An EDS spokesman, dismayed that Mr. Perot has the document, says that the memo was the result of a "miscommunication" in the Medicaid office and was quickly countermanded by EDS management before any files were destroyed improperly.
    2. "There was some miscommunication on our part," Hingst said.
    3. In New York, Henderson Brothers said, "The incident was inadvertent and occasioned by a miscommunication in the application" of a Big Board rule "in a new area of our business."
    4. Cobb said somehow there was miscommunication between San Francisco and Los Angeles, and the report of hospitalization should not have been announced.
    5. EDS, in a statement, said the memo was "a simple clerical error" that resulted from a "miscommunication" between a Medicaid contract manager and his administrative assistant.
    6. As for the other two arbitragers arrested, after much delay it was decided that no charges would be brought, that there had been a miscommunication between Mr. Siegel and the prosecutors.
    7. A possible miscommunication between controllers has been raised in the crash, although federal officials defended the controllers on Monday.
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