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 minutes ['mɪnɪt添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 会议记录

[法] 备忘录, 会议记录, 审判记录

    [ noun ]
    a written account of what transpired at a meeting

    1. I looked at my watch at the end, astonished that 100 minutes had gone by. But then I am looking at my watch again now, astonished that a vintage Venice festival has gone by, with only 36 hours, three films and a bunch of prizes to go.
    2. Five minutes later Dunga and Romario combined to set Bebeto through but his shot was blocked. The closest Italian squeak came after 24 minutes when Branco practised his speciality - the bent free-kick - from 25 yards out.
    3. Five minutes later Dunga and Romario combined to set Bebeto through but his shot was blocked. The closest Italian squeak came after 24 minutes when Branco practised his speciality - the bent free-kick - from 25 yards out.
    4. As a consequence, the blue chips extended a decline which had begun in the closing minutes of the previous session, when investors had sensed the bad news to come. However, the downturn paled when compared with the rout in bonds.
    5. Although many traders had predicted a much more modest gain for the Nikkei Monday, buying by the Big Four firms fueled strong gains in the index, particularly during the last 30 minutes of trading.
    6. The number reported by the Commerce Department instead sent the dollar up two pfennigs against the mark within five minutes.
    7. Gum produces significant brain effects only after about 15 minutes of chewing.
    8. Five minutes later his tutor was able to assure me that the sixth-former in question would be reading English at Cambridge. That academic intensity will deter some parents, and attract many.
    9. That allows eye exams to last 15 minutes or longer, compared with three to four minutes with conventional ophthalmoscopes, he adds.
    10. That allows eye exams to last 15 minutes or longer, compared with three to four minutes with conventional ophthalmoscopes, he adds.
    11. "This thing got to me emotionally," the judge said later. "I had to adjourn court for a while." He returned to the bench and ordered the clerk's office to prepare citizenship certificates. "They were up here in 10 minutes," Rubin said.
    12. The liftoff opportunity, dictated by Magellan's path to Venus and lighting conditions at emergency landing sites, lasts only 23 minutes, one of the shortest launch windows in shuttle history.
    13. The plane took off at 10:17 a.m. for Dubai _ seven minutes after the initial contact with the tower.
    14. His hour hand is small and red and points to small red hours; his minute hand is large and green and points to large green minutes.
    15. I parked the ageing company Range Rover and with an innocent: 'See you in a few minutes,' went to find Hassan, the clearing agent. Or rather, he found me.
    16. Barnes, a student at the University of Colorado, doused the flame and aired out the room, but Coco died minutes later from respiratory arrest, a veterinarian said.
    17. He gets here 30 minutes before work," said Gary Creel, store director at the supermarket.
    18. This took an hour and 45 minutes, the first part of which involved standing in a long queue in front of a sign that read not "Foreigners" or "Nonresidents," but "Aliens."
    19. After the delay, John Paul chatted with the king and other members of the royal family for 10 minutes.
    20. Her parents were certain that they did not want such a son-in-law. When Perurena finally persuaded Mayte to meet him in a neighbouring village they were seen within minutes. Perurena learned about gamesmanship the hard way.
    21. He turned up a good five minutes after all his colleagues - or so he must have thought.
    22. "It's a horse race every year," said Forbes spokesman Ray Healey, describing his magazine's rush to beat its rival. "Information of this kind is old in a matter of minutes.
    23. The world railway speed record is 319 mph, set by France's TGV last May. The new Shinkansen train will begin Tokyo-Osaka passenger service next year, traveling as fast as 167 mph and cutting 20 minutes off the current 2 1/2-hour trip.
    24. Turn the slices once and allow six to seven minutes for the vegetable to become hot, tender and burnished with gold.
    25. So Costner and Houston meet, put up the barred gates and video cameras and then -still 90 minutes to go - fall in love. As anyone knows who has been a bodyguard, you cannot guard someone and fall in love.
    26. Nope, he replied, "He's always in the front of our minds." Jordan got the Chicago comeback rolling in earnest two minutes into the last period, when his three-point goal cut the Sixers' lead to four.
    27. The countdown clock then stood at 4 minutes.
    28. About 45 minutes into the flight, he said, "we heard this loud bang and then it was like a huge storm.
    29. Fududa, 31, forced his way to a second-floor room and barricaded himself in with office furniture before surrendering to police about 40 minutes later, police officials said.
    30. Clements talked for five minutes Thursday night with President Reagan about the Democratic National Convention and the presidential campaign, Bashur said.
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