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 minus ['mainәs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 负号, 不足

a. 减的, 负的, 阴性的

prep. 减, 缺

[计] 负差

[经] 负号, 减号, 负数

    [ noun ]
    1. an arithmetic operation in which the difference between two numbers is calculated

    2. <noun.act>
      the subtraction of three from four leaves one
      four minus three equals one
    [ adj ]
    1. on the negative side or lower end of a scale

    2. <adj.all>
      minus 5 degrees
      a grade of B minus
    3. involving disadvantage or harm

    4. <adj.all>
      minus (or negative) factors

    Minus \Mi"nus\ (m[imac]"n[u^]s), a. [L. See {Minor}, and cf.
    {Mis-} pref. from the French.] (Math.)
    Less; requiring to be subtracted; negative; as, a minus

    {Minus sign} (Math.), the sign [-] denoting minus, or less,
    prefixed to negative quantities, or quantities to be
    subtracted. See {Negative sign}, under {Negative}.

    minus \mi"nus\ (m[imac]"n[u^]s), n.; pl. {minuses}
    A factor counted as a disadvantage; a loss or potential loss
    in a situation or plan; as, he added up all the pluses and
    minuses and decided not to do it; as, the lack of money is a
    big minus in an election campaign.

    Negative \Neg"a*tive\ (n[e^]g"[.a]*t[i^]v), a. [F. n['e]gatif,
    L. negativus, fr. negare to deny. See {Negation}.]
    1. Denying; implying, containing, or asserting denial,
    negation or refusal; returning the answer no to an inquiry
    or request; refusing assent; as, a negative answer; a
    negative opinion; -- opposed to {affirmative}.

    If thou wilt confess,
    Or else be impudently negative. --Shak.

    Denying me any power of a negative voice. --Eikon

    Something between an affirmative bow and a negative
    shake. --Dickens.

    2. Not positive; without affirmative statement or
    demonstration; indirect; consisting in the absence of
    something; privative; as, a negative argument; negative
    evidence; a negative morality; negative criticism.

    There in another way of denying Christ, . . . which
    is negative, when we do not acknowledge and confess
    him. --South.

    3. (Logic) Asserting absence of connection between a subject
    and a predicate; as, a negative proposition.

    4. (Photog.) Of or pertaining to a picture upon glass or
    other material, in which the lights and shades of the
    original, and the relations of right and left, are

    5. (Chem.) Metalloidal; nonmetallic; -- contrasted with
    {positive} or {basic}; as, the nitro group is negative.

    Note: This word, derived from electro-negative, is now
    commonly used in a more general sense, when acidiferous
    is the intended signification.

    {Negative crystal}.
    (a) A cavity in a mineral mass, having the form of a
    (b) A crystal which has the power of negative double
    refraction. See {refraction}.

    {negative electricity} (Elec.), the kind of electricity which
    is developed upon resin or ebonite when rubbed, or which
    appears at that pole of a voltaic battery which is
    connected with the plate most attacked by the exciting
    liquid; -- formerly called {resinous electricity}. Opposed
    to {positive electricity}. Formerly, according to
    Franklin's theory of a single electric fluid, negative
    electricity was supposed to be electricity in a degree
    below saturation, or the natural amount for a given body.
    See {Electricity}.

    {Negative eyepiece}. (Opt.) see under {Eyepiece}.

    {Negative quantity} (Alg.), a quantity preceded by the
    negative sign, or which stands in the relation indicated
    by this sign to some other quantity. See {Negative sign}

    {Negative rotation}, right-handed rotation. See
    {Right-handed}, 3.

    {Negative sign}, the sign -, or {minus} (opposed in
    signification to +, or {plus}), indicating that the
    quantity to which it is prefixed is to be subtracted from
    the preceding quantity, or is to be reckoned from zero or
    cipher in the opposite direction to that of quanties
    having the sign plus either expressed or understood; thus,
    in a - b, b is to be substracted from a, or regarded as
    opposite to it in value; and -10[deg] on a thermometer
    means 10[deg] below the zero of the scale.

    1. The survey of 750 adults, conducted by telephone between April 23 and April 26, has a margin of potential sampling error of plus or minus 4 percent.
    2. But it fell into the minus column after profit-taking developed in shares of securities houses, drug makers, real-estate concerns and other companies.
    3. The current poll of 403 blacks was conducted between March 30 and April 2 and had a margin of error of plus or minus 5 percentage points.
    4. A physicist reported Wednesday the discovery of a new superconducting compound that he believes may work at minus 100 degrees Fahrenheit, potentially setting a new temperature record for superconductivity.
    5. Its index of business sentiment for the first three months of this year stood at minus 24, compared with minus 32 in the final quarter of last year.
    6. Its index of business sentiment for the first three months of this year stood at minus 24, compared with minus 32 in the final quarter of last year.
    7. The sales figure given for most books is really an unscientific guess, based on how many books were shipped to bookstores, minus a large percentage that assumes many copies won't actually sell and will be returned by stores.
    8. It has no heating to protect Niwa from nighttime temperatures of about minus 50 degrees, but his flying suit has built-in electric coils to keep him warm. The coils are powered by batteries charged by solar panels outside the gondola.
    9. At present, victory for Romania would yield a net profit of Pounds 635 on total stakes so far (all four teams) of Pounds 275 ('net' meaning profit minus all losing bets and tax). If the Argies win, the profit would be Pounds 275.
    10. This year, growth is expected to be negative: minus 0.3 per cent. Nevertheless, the effects of recession are likely to be felt well into 1995 even if a recovery begins in the first half of 1994.
    11. He said the firm's net worth, or assets minus liabilities, had risen at the end of May to "not quite $1.5 billion" from $1.382 billion at the end of 1987.
    12. With forecasters predicting a high of 20 below zero today and a low of minus 38 tonight, officials pleaded with residents to cut back on all but essential electricity use.
    13. Today's low at 2 a.m. EST was minus 37 degrees in Craig, Colo.
    14. GDP measures the country's total output of goods and services, minus foreign income.
    15. The margin of error in the physician survey was plus or minus 3 percentage points, the AMA said.
    16. The survey of 1,004 adults had a margi of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.
    17. The poll's margin of error is plus or minus 6 percentage points. It was conducted by University of Houston political scientist Richard Murray through the university's Center for Public Policy.
    18. These developments and the related requirement for provisions have led VA TECH to a revised result forecast for 1999 in the magnitude of minus EUR 45m (minus ATS 620m).
    19. These developments and the related requirement for provisions have led VA TECH to a revised result forecast for 1999 in the magnitude of minus EUR 45m (minus ATS 620m).
    20. Its net assets fell from Pounds 458m in 1990 to a minus Pounds 15.8m in June 1993.
    21. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.
    22. The challenge will be to have available an adequately trained labour force. The minus signs include the perception that Coventry is not one of the most attractive UK cities.
    23. The poll, based on interviews of 1,654 people nationwide between Friday and Tuesday, had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percent.
    24. But a lawsuit against Keystone would be "an act of sheer futility" because he said Keystone has a negative net worth, or assets minus liabilities.
    25. The seven-language Quintalingual course is Octalingual minus the Russian.
    26. The margin of error was plus or minus four percentage points, pulling Dukakis even with Bush.
    27. Jesse Jackson would give Daley the toughest opposition in the mayoral race, garnering 40 percent to Daley's 52 percent, according to the poll, which was conducted Dec. 2-5 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.
    28. The federation said the survey had a margin of error of plus or minus five percentage points.
    29. The telephone survey, conducted among 1,084 randomly selected adults Nov. 10-20, had a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points.
    30. Consumer prices minus food and energy also rose 0.4%, following a 0.4% increase a month earlier.
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