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 mike [maik]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vi. 偷懒, 游手好闲

n. 休息, 游手好闲, 扩音器, 话筒

[电] 微音器

    [ noun ]
    device for converting sound waves into electrical energy

    mike \mike\ n. [shortened from microphone.]
    A {microphone}, the device for converting sound waves into
    electrical energy. [informal]

    Syn: microphone.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. Friday's event was _ what else? _ a call-in show over an open mike to Boston.
    2. As the opening strains of my signature song, "Tequila Sheila," fill the air, I step up to the mike and start calling: Pour me another tequila, Sheila.
    3. He was speaking just to the group, but a highly sensitive mike over his head picked what he said. "We tried to kick a little ass last night," Bush said then.
    4. Among them is Bob Taylor, who came to New York looking for a job behind the mike in the nation's largest media market.
    5. It wasn't the only time Smith had to do some quick thinking. When a delegate scheduled to introduce three governors began speaking into a dead microphone from her place in the Indiana delegation, Smith quickly turned on a mike in front of him.
    6. Unlike his pal, Robin Williams, who performs maniacally in interviews, at restaurants and on street corners, Billy Crystal is reflective when he doesn't have a mike in front of his mouth.
    7. During what de la Garza described as an "open mike" session, members of Congress who are not on the committee and two governors offered suggestions for the new bill.
    8. That's very important to make sure the mike works and ours is working well,' he said as he left the debate hall.
    9. His head is back, his mike boom is away from his face," the military pilot said.
    10. My turn comes, and I step up to the mike to deliver a square-dance version of "New Attitude" by the Pointer Sisters.
    11. "A wireless mike antenna fell.
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