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 mignon   添加此单词到默认生词本
可爱的, 娇小美丽的

    Mignon \Mi"gnon\, a. [F.]
    See 3d {Minion}.

    Mignon \Mi"gnon\, v. t.
    To flatter. [R. & Obs.] --Danie?.

    1. As a result, the wholesale price of beef is $8 to $12 a pound in Japan, compared to about $3.50 a pound for prime filet mignon at American grocery stores, he said.
    2. The giant steelmaker recently fed caviar and filet mignon to executives from 300 of its biggest suppliers to sell them on the virtues of relocating in Gary, Ind., a down-and-out rust belt city.
    3. While no one expected the circus to buy the lions filet mignon, hungry lions "don't care about the yen-dollar problem," says Atsushi Kawashima, director of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry import bureau.
    4. The October 1988 wedding party came complete with filet mignon, ice sculptures and a 14-piece orchestra, state Deputy Attorney General Derald Granberg said in papers filed Wednesday in Superior Court.
    5. But within the food industry as well as the Food and Drug Administration, there are growing concerns about fresh refrigerated foods, which include everything from pizza to filet mignon.
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