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 mica powder 添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] 云母粉

    Mica \Mi"ca\, n. [L. mica crumb, grain, particle; cf. F. mica.]
    The name of a group of minerals characterized by highly
    perfect cleavage, so that they readily separate into very
    thin leaves, more or less elastic. They differ widely in
    composition, and vary in color from pale brown or yellow to
    green or black. The transparent forms are used in lanterns,
    the doors of stoves, etc., being popularly called
    {isinglass}. Formerly called also {cat-silver}, and

    Note: The important species of the mica group are:
    {muscovite}, common or potash mica, pale brown or
    green, often silvery, including {damourite} (also
    called {hydromica} and {muscovy glass}); {biotite},
    iron-magnesia mica, dark brown, green, or black;
    {lepidomelane}, iron, mica, black; {phlogopite},
    magnesia mica, colorless, yellow, brown; {lepidolite},
    lithia mica, rose-red, lilac.
    Mica (usually muscovite, also biotite)
    is an essential constituent of granite, gneiss, and
    mica slate; {biotite} is common in many eruptive rocks;
    {phlogopite} in crystalline limestone and serpentine.

    {Mica diorite} (Min.), an eruptive rock allied to diorite but
    containing mica (biotite) instead of hornblende.

    {Mica powder}, a kind of dynamite containing fine scales of

    {Mica schist}, {Mica slate} (Geol.), a schistose rock,
    consisting of mica and quartz with, usually, some

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