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 methodological [,meθәdә'lɒdʒikl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 方法的

    [ adj ]
    relating to the methodology of some discipline
    methodological errors

    Methodological \Meth`od*o*log"ic*al\, a.
    Of or pertaining to methodology.

    1. Like Bernard de Voto and Edmund Wilson, Mr. Kazin always has been most comfortable skirting the edges of academic criticism, savoring his interpretations of Emerson or Faulkner for reasons more personal than methodological.
    2. Ciba-Geigy criticized the study for "serious methodological problems."
    3. Instead, it is dominated by haggling over footnotes and obscure methodological debates about which definition of public sector borrowing is least misleading.
    4. Paul Craig Roberts, former Treasury assistant secretary, argues that there are methodological quirks in the calculation of savings rate.
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