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 meso- 添加此单词到默认生词本
[化] 内消旋; 中; 中间; 中(位)(即蒽环核的9,10位); 介; 新

[医] 正中, 中间, 中位, 内消旋, 新(化学)

    Meso- \Mes"o-\, Mes- \Mes-\ [Gr. me`sos in the middle.]
    1. A combining form denoting in the middle, intermediate.

    2. specif. (Chem.), Denoting a type of hydrocarbons which are
    regarded as methenyl derivatives. Also used adjectively.

    3. (Chem.) Optically inactive due to compensating optical
    activity at two or more asymmetric centers, often due to a
    plane of symmetry within the molecular structure; as,
    meso-tartaric acid.

    4. Attached to a carbon atom located between two hereoatoms
    in a heterocyclic ring.

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