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 mental ['mentl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 心智的, 精神病的, 心理的, 颏的

n. 精神病患者

[医] 精神的, 颏的

    [ adj ]
    1. involving the mind or an intellectual process

    2. <adj.all>
      mental images of happy times
      mental calculations
      in a terrible mental state
      mental suffering
      free from mental defects
    3. of or relating to the mind

    4. <adj.pert>
      mental powers
      mental development
      mental hygiene
    5. of or relating to the chin- or liplike structure in insects and certain mollusks

    6. <adj.pert>
    7. of or relating to the chin or median part of the lower jaw

    8. <adj.pert>
    9. affected by a disorder of the mind

    10. <adj.all>
      a mental patient
      mental illness

    Mental \Men"tal\, a. [L. mentum the chin.] (Anat.)
    Of or pertaining to the chin; genian; as, the mental nerve;
    the mental region.

    Mental \Men"tal\, n. (Zo["o]l.)
    A plate or scale covering the mentum or chin of a fish or

    Mental \Men"tal\, a. [F., fr. L. mentalis, fr. mens, mentis, the
    mind; akin to E. mind. See {Mind}.]
    Of or pertaining to the mind; intellectual; as, mental
    faculties; mental operations, conditions, or exercise.

    What a mental power
    This eye shoots forth! --Shak.

    {Mental alienation}, insanity.

    {Mental arithmetic}, the art or practice of solving
    arithmetical problems by mental processes, unassisted by
    written figures.

    1. But mental scars remain for survivors like Casey.
    2. Dougherty ruled in June 1985 that the state had to fully fund programs mandated by the Legislature for people with chronic mental illness, and the order was affirmed in March 1989 by the Arizona Supreme Court.
    3. The number of political prisoners in Soviet mental institutions may have declined sharply, but the abuse of psychiatric practices remains widespread, an international group said Monday.
    4. Many are denied access to lawyers and are subject to physical and mental torture, it said.
    5. On the day before the rampage, Hayes' family had tried to have him committed to a mental hospital.
    6. We're all pulling together and trying to get over this disaster." School officials immediately began summoning mental health help Monday from across Arkansas and contacted national crisis and grief experts.
    7. Nearly 29 million Americans are victims of some form of mental illness that requires professional treatment.
    8. When he gave tapes for mental rehearsal to Paul Rendall and Jeff Probyn, England's props, he received a dusty answer.
    9. Sagel, who has the mental capabilities of a young child, did small tasks for his mother like going to the store or getting the paper, Ms. Casey said.
    10. The results so far suggest the drug may be an especially useful aid to alcoholics suffering from mental disorders such as depression, Dr. Volpicelli says.
    11. Psychiatrists could not have predicted that a former mental patient would suddenly become homicidal, the head of Maryland's hospital for the criminally insane said Thursday.
    12. Young children are especially susceptible to the effects of lead poisoning, which can cause mental retardation, impaired development, learning disabilities and liver and kidney problems.
    13. Also profiled is Schizophrenics International, a Fort Worth, Texas, organization that sells a book by veteran schizoid Ed Moody in which he explains how mental illness helped him to "purify" himself.
    14. After Tuesday's win he argued that English soccer places such demands on its youngsters, even nine-year-olds, that it risks the 'physical and mental burn-out' of its potential stars.
    15. The study by Selnes and Dr. Justin McArthur, also of Hopkins, was intended to resolve questions raised by earlier studies that had found distinct mental problems, such as loss of memory and mental slowness, in people infected with the AIDS virus.
    16. The study by Selnes and Dr. Justin McArthur, also of Hopkins, was intended to resolve questions raised by earlier studies that had found distinct mental problems, such as loss of memory and mental slowness, in people infected with the AIDS virus.
    17. He also said other studies have found TM superior to alternative techniques in improving aspects of physical and mental health, even though the commitment of the instructors of other techniques was presumeably as high as that of the TM instructors.
    18. An Arab motorist caught the assailant, who has a history of mental illness, police reported.
    19. "I don't even know where to take them." The housing bill recently signed by President Bush sets aside $123.2 million for housing for the homeless, tied to the provision of services such as mental health care and the rehabilitation of drug users.
    20. Coping with this mental pressure is one of the most difficult lessons a professional sportsman has to learn.
    21. "I don't think that anybody who has got a known record in terms of criminal activity or somebody who has had mental problems _ I don't have any problem with preventing those individuals from getting possession of any gun," Deukmejian said.
    22. City mental health officials said a review board at St. Elizabeths has approved Hinckley's participation in an outing to a museum, park or other public place.
    23. The term, now abandoned, referred to juveniles prone to violence because of mental or emotional problems.
    24. He referred to a psychiatrist's report that said Ms. Jones had "substantial reduced mental capacity" at the time of her grand jury appearance in January 1988.
    25. Obsessions and compulsions can turn up in families previously untouched by mental illness, but are more likely to cluster in families with histories of OCD or its frequent companion, depression.
    26. He called the budget "about as good a job as could be done." Aside from the tax and spending changes, the budget was balanced by shifting $2.1 billion in health and mental health programs to local governments.
    27. The few programs that exist in North Carolina are in mental health departments, but most young people who kill themselves aren't ill and those who contemplate suicide are reluctant to call because of the stigma, Davis said.
    28. Attorneys for Ms. Lipsham and Ms. Barry asked the court for leniency Friday, saying the women suffered from mental illness and past abuses and had not actually committed the assault.
    29. "A boy that age, of normal mental status, would want to eat," Hudock said.
    30. Zimbabwean n'angas in feather headdresses claim they can heal ailments ranging from sprains to cancer and mental disorders by throwing bones, chanting incantations and stirring mixtures of herbs and animal parts.
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