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 meeting ['mi:tiŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 会议, 会面

[法] 会议, 会谈, 集会

    [ noun ]
    1. a formally arranged gathering

    2. <noun.group>
      next year the meeting will be in Chicago
      the meeting elected a chairperson
    3. a small informal social gathering

    4. <noun.group>
      there was an informal meeting in my living room
    5. a casual or unexpected convergence

    6. <noun.event>
      he still remembers their meeting in Paris
      there was a brief encounter in the hallway
    7. the social act of assembling for some common purpose

    8. <noun.act>
      his meeting with the salesmen was the high point of his day
    9. the act of joining together as one

    10. <noun.act>
      the merging of the two groups occurred quickly
      there was no meeting of minds
    11. a place where things merge or flow together (especially rivers)

    12. <noun.location>
      Pittsburgh is located at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers

    Meet \Meet\ (m[=e]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Met} (m[e^]t); p. pr.
    & vb. n. {Meeting}.] [OE. meten, AS. m[=e]tan, fr. m[=o]t,
    gem[=o]t, a meeting; akin to OS. m[=o]tian to meet, Icel.
    m[ae]ta, Goth. gam[=o]tjan. See {Moot}, v. t.]
    1. To join, or come in contact with; esp., to come in contact
    with by approach from an opposite direction; to come upon
    or against, front to front, as distinguished from contact
    by following and overtaking.

    2. To come in collision with; to confront in conflict; to
    encounter hostilely; as, they met the enemy and defeated
    them; the ship met opposing winds and currents.

    3. To come into the presence of without contact; to come
    close to; to intercept; to come within the perception,
    influence, or recognition of; as, to meet a train at a
    junction; to meet carriages or persons in the street; to
    meet friends at a party; sweet sounds met the ear.

    His daughter came out to meet him. --Judg. xi.

    4. To perceive; to come to a knowledge of; to have personal
    acquaintance with; to experience; to suffer; as, the eye
    met a horrid sight; he met his fate.

    Of vice or virtue, whether blest or curst,
    Which meets contempt, or which compassion first.

    5. To come up to; to be even with; to equal; to match; to
    satisfy; to ansver; as, to meet one's expectations; the
    supply meets the demand.

    {To meet half way}, literally, to go half the distance
    between in order to meet (one); hence, figuratively, to
    yield or concede half of the difference in order to effect
    a compromise or reconciliation with.

    Meeting \Meet"ing\ (m[=e]t"[i^]ng), n.
    1. A coming together; an assembling; as, the meeting of

    2. A junction, crossing, or union; as, the meeting of the
    roads or of two rivers.

    3. A congregation; a collection of people; a convention; as,
    a large meeting; an harmonious meeting.

    4. An assembly for worship; as, to attend meeting on Sunday;
    -- in England, applied distinctively and disparagingly to
    the worshiping assemblies of Dissenters.

    Syn: Conference; assembly; company; convention; congregation;
    junction; confluence; union.

    1. Can we never see eye-to-eye until all 120 million Japanese become Christians?" My second encounter occurred in the late 1980s, when I overheard a comment as I passed by a meeting room in the New York head office of a major financial organization.
    2. Maeda did not attend Monday's meeting.
    3. Lou Droesch, a mortgage broker, walked to the microphone as Tuesday night's meeting neared its end.
    4. The plan comes just three days before a meeting between the two Germanys and the four World War II allies that divided Germany _ the Soviet Union, United States, Britain, and France _ to discuss the international ramifications of German unity.
    5. Pakistan ordered the attack on Jalalabad following a March 5 meeting attended by U.S. Ambassador Robert Oakley, The Times quoted a Pakistani participant and other officials as saying.
    6. Soviet Premier Nikolai I. Ryzhkov and Foreign Minister Eduard A. Shevardnadze joined Gorbachev for the meeting with Modrow, who arrived in Moscow on a one-day visit late Monday.
    7. Nugent's new wife, who now works for a video production firm, said she had never heard much of Nugent before meeting him in October.
    8. The meeting was to have been held in Paris.
    9. Airport sources in Geneva said Bush and Syrian leader Hafez Assad were expected Friday in Geneva for a meeting.
    10. Until today's inflation report, most economists believed that Federal Reserve policy-makers, meeting Monday, would stimulate the economy with another cut in interest rates before the end of the year.
    11. During the last meeting, the Sandinistas presented their most liberal proposal.
    12. A coalition of the newspaper's 10 unions met Thursday afternoon, then sent leaders to a meeting with management at the Daily News' headquarters.
    13. Genoese said he sent a telegram to Steven G. Rothmeier, chairman and chief executive officer of NWA Inc., the parent company of Northwest, requesting a meeting.
    14. In Santiago's Hotel Carrera, Arias walked down the lobby stairs from a meeting with Quayle, as Spain's Gonzalez walked in. They embraced and cameras whirred.
    15. Then its council is scheduled to review progress towards meeting this year's target.
    16. Pope John Paul II arrived in Warsaw for the start of a weeklong visit to Poland, and urged respect for human rights during a formal meeting with the country's Communist leader.
    17. However, analysts returned from their meeting with Reckitt feeling very depressed about prospects for the company and shaved forecasts to between Pounds 255m and Pounds 265m for the current year and Pounds 270 to Pounds 290m for 1993.
    18. The ministerial meeting was moved to the NATO headquarters from Denmark because of a political crisis there over nuclear arms policy.
    19. In the church meeting, Mr. Probert asks the president of the project's tenants' association, a slim nervous woman, to ask the borough council to kick out the drug dealers.
    20. Steven Axelrod, another New York literary agent, is meeting next week with an investment newsletter writer who has proposed a guide to investing in the stock market.
    21. In a meeting with an outside lawyer, Mr. West "noted that the company has experienced a number of problems because of its high profile in the press," according to a memo written by the lawyer.
    22. Indeed, administration officials acknowledged that the new diplomatic plan was announced after a meeting between President Reagan and congressional leaders because so many lawmakers had urged greater efforts to end the war.
    23. Notes taken at the meeting show that DeConcini suggested that Lincoln could increase its home lending in exchange for regulatory forbearance.
    24. Mikhail Gorbachev's meeting with South Korea's president in San Francisco next week could eventually lead to diplomatic relations between the two nations and unification of Korea, a scholar says.
    25. THE International Monetary Fund will seek approval for two measures to support developing and former communist economies at its annual meeting this month.
    26. When the mutual fund industry assembles next week in Washington for its annual meeting, the mood won't be as glum as might seem likely.
    27. For the first time since World War II, Albania is playing host to a meeting of senior diplomats from the six Balkan countries.
    28. At one recent weekly meeting, Tohru Hirose, a marketing-strategies manager, apologized in front of the room.
    29. Dukakis worked on his speech Wednesday after meeting briefly with Jackson, his former rival, to discuss the fall campaign. Dukakis sat in an easy chair in the bedroom of his hotel suite revising a draft of his speech with a pen.
    30. The Washington Post, citing unidentified sources in Washington and in Kennebunkport, Maine, where Bush is vacationing, reported in Saturday editions that the secret meeting took place at Meese's request shortly before May 16.
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