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 mattress ['mætris]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 床垫, 空气垫, 沉床

[医] 褥子, 床垫

    [ noun ]
    a large thick pad filled with resilient material and often incorporating coiled springs, used as a bed or part of a bed

    Mattress \Mat"tress\, n. [OF. materas, F. matelas, LL.
    matratium; cf. Sp. & Pg. almadraque, Pr. almatrac; all from
    Ar. ma[.t]rah a place where anything is thrown, what is
    thrown under something, fr. [.t]araha to throw.]
    1. A large pad stuffed with hair, moss, or other suitable
    soft material, and quilted or otherwise fastened, used as
    or in a bed, to support the human body while lying down.
    [Written also {matress}.]

    2. (Hydraulic Engin.) A mass of interwoven brush, poles,
    etc., to protect a bank from being worn away by currents
    or waves.

    {innerspring mattress} A variety of mattress[1] having
    springs inside to provide a flexible support; it is
    considered more comfortable than a stuffed mattress.

    1. Police said the boy, his brother and sister found the pistol hidden under a mattress Monday and decided to scare the maid, Ailene Eleuterio, who was resting after doing the family laundry.
    2. For fiscal 1986, the mattress and waterbed concern posted net of $11.6 million, or 72 cents a share, on sales of $297.4 million.
    3. Too nervous to sit, I paced and peeked into a utility closet, tripping over a bare mattress on the floor.
    4. Moments later, Steurer recalled afterward, he was still sitting on his mattress _ outside on the driveway, blown out a side wall of his home by the force of the gas explosion.
    5. "I think Terry debated with himself a lot while we tried to plug our ears with bits of mattress and bits of pillow.
    6. "I was very bold," she said. "I barged right in on her apartment one time when a few guys were there and kicked the bed, rolled over the mattress and started throwing pillows.
    7. On Thursday, James Steurer, 79, was sitting on his bed tying his shoes when a gas explosion leveled his house and sent him and the mattress flying into the driveway.
    8. "Pension funds can't take their money and stuff it under a mattress," said Mr. Davanzo of Wilshire.
    9. Police said the fire was most probably caused when someone's cigarette ignited a mattress on the second floor.
    10. The discovery of a bloodstained mattress in a motel has led police in Connecticut and Georgia to begin a murder investigation, although authorities said Monday no body has been recovered.
    11. 'I sat upon that foam mattress and it became for me a raft in a vast sea,' he writes. Later his dark cell fills with imaginary birds: 'Their frightened flight seemed endless.
    12. "I was more scared the night of the hurricane than I ever was," he added. "I had my three children lying on a mattress on the kitchen floor because I felt that was the safest place in the house.
    13. "On July 14, nothing happened here," said Pelletier. "There was no television to see live how the Bastille was taken." A smoky mattress fire on the 17th floor of a Marriott Hotel forced evacuation of about 50 guests and employees Friday.
    14. But regardless of personal preference, a mattress should provide support for the heavy parts of the body _ the hips and shoulders _ and disperse bodyweight uniformly.
    15. So did a bedding company better known for a mattress brand.
    16. I decided to stay in our apartment, resting on a mattress in the study on the side away from the sea.
    17. I still know right where that mattress is.
    18. "In Central Asia, I could hardly imagine anyone buying something that they can't put under their mattress," Tulin said.
    19. Its recent weekly advertising circulars feature more specials more prominently, with the latest touting on the cover Sears's "lowest price in three years" on a special-edition mattress.
    20. The match landed on the bed, setting the covers and mattress ablaze.
    21. Sitting on a blue mattress on the floor of East Berlin's Gethsemane church, wrapped in a blanket, she explains why.
    22. Authorities said Stein dragged a burning mattress from his home early Saturday, and the fire was spread rapidly by strong winds.
    23. A pre-dawn fire that apparently started when a cigarette ignited a mattress swept through part of a suburban hotel today, killing four guests and injuring seven others, police said.
    24. Everybody was sound asleep, and then all of a sudden, the mattress started shaking.
    25. "Every night, we pull a mattress and a sleeping bag from under the hospital bed and one of us sleeps by his side," she said.
    26. But on the third night of his stay the other twin bed in his room had to be remade." I explained that I had stripped the bed clean and used the mattress as a table to arrange my notes.
    27. A maid entered Room 12 at the Starlight Motel in East Lyme near the Connecticut shoreline about noon last Friday to find that a mattress that "had been stained with a large quantity of blood," state police said in a statement.
    28. Evidence indicated Orkin also failed to remove a waterproof mattress cover that could have trapped the poisonous gas.
    29. "I felt something very, very hard under the mattress," she said. "I picked up the mattress and I saw a big old gun and it almost went off." In the Dade County public schools, children are no strangers to guns.
    30. "I felt something very, very hard under the mattress," she said. "I picked up the mattress and I saw a big old gun and it almost went off." In the Dade County public schools, children are no strangers to guns.
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