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 mater ['meitә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 母亲

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    [ noun ]
    an informal use of the Latin word for mother; sometimes used by British schoolboys or used facetiously

    Mater \Ma"ter\, n. [L., mother. See {Mother}.]
    See {Alma mater}, {Dura mater}, and {Pia mater}.

    1. Miss McCarthy died at New York Hospital, said Dixie Sheridan, spokeswoman for the author's alma mater, Vassar College in Poughkeepsie.
    2. There's a new twist in the tax law for sports fans who give to the ol' alma mater.
    3. This week, for example, Mr. Silverstein established a $1.2 million endowed chair at his alma mater, New York University, for the study of real-estate development.
    4. Sen. Dan Quayle won an honorary degree from his alma mater, DePauw University, in 1982 _ but it took more ballots than will be required tonight to give him the Republican vice presidential nomination.
    5. She was remembered Monday as a person who never forgot her hometown of Newark or Arts High School, her alma mater.
    6. Miss McCarthy died of cancer Wednesday at New York Hospital, said Dixie Sheridan, spokeswoman for the author's alma mater, Vassar College in Poughkeepsie.
    7. Finally, check with your alma mater.
    8. Canceled was the coming out party for Steve Spurrier, a former star player who returned to his alma mater as coach nine months ago.
    9. Chairman Lee A. Iacocca will lead a campaign to raise $40 million for his alma mater, Lehigh University.
    10. Swarthmore College outside Philadelphia, the Democratic nominee's alma mater, was ranked first among 141 national liberal arts colleges in the magazine's survey.
    11. His 65-54-1 overall mark included four years running the program at his alma mater, Northeast Missouri State.
    12. He plans to whip up some spirit for Mississippi State, his alma mater.
    13. King, who attended Morehouse _ his father's alma mater _ but has not graduated, is founder and president of Visionary Development Corp., a business and development consulting firm.
    14. The man is in a class by himself." B. Eugene Griessman, a professor in the college of management at Portman's alma mater, Georgia Tech, profiled the architect-developer for a 1987 book on achievers.
    15. Not even John Patten's alma mater likes his ideas very much.
    16. Founded 439 years ago by Dominican priests in a Lima convent, San Marcos has over the centuries been the alma mater of a Who's Who of distinguished Peruvians.
    17. He donated more than $20 million to his alma mater, Columbia University, including $6 million to replace the university's crumbling football stadium.
    18. This spring, he delivered commencement addresses at George Mason University and Washington & Lee, his alma mater.
    19. Kauffman estimates the first group of 225 students from his inner-city high school alma mater would cost him $13 million.
    20. Goodwin's $600,000 donation was part of some $8 million he has contributed to his alma mater over the years.
    21. Cable and Wireless, Mercury's parent, is Mr Owen's alma mater.
    22. Novelist Saul Bellow can add the highest honor of his alma mater to his other awards, which include the Nobel and Pulitzer prizes for literature.
    23. Gakushuin is also Aya's alma mater and is where he met the 23-year-old Kiko.
    24. The $100,000 Chicago Mercantile Exchange donation will go to the Mickey Leland Center on World Hunger, to be founded at Texas Southern University, the congressman's alma mater, as the first project of a newly created foundation in Leland's honor.
    25. The fan club founded by Nancy Yackle, head of the speech and drama department at Helgenberger's alma mater, faded after "Ryan's Hope" stopped airing in the area.
    26. Gakushuin University, a sylvan oasis in Tokyo's concrete desert, has been the alma mater of Japan's emperors for centuries.
    27. His most enduring design is probably the Glasgow School of Art, his alma mater, which manages to be both impish and pragmatic.
    28. He said that he was being confused with another man named Harris who had a different Social Security number, a different address and a different alma mater.
    29. This view is prominent at his alma mater, the University of Chicago Law School.
    30. They were awakened Friday evening to the strains of "Anchors Aweigh" for shuttle commander Dan Brandenstein and pilot Jim Wetherbee, both Navy men, and the fight song for the University of Wisconsin at River Falls, Brandenstein's alma mater.
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