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 marquee [mɑ:'ki:]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 大帐篷, 遮篷, 选取框

[计] 选取框

    [ noun ]
    1. large and often sumptuous tent

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. permanent canopy over an entrance of a hotel etc.

    4. <noun.artifact>

    Marquee \Mar*quee"\, n. [F. marquise, misunderstood as a plural;
    prob. orig., tent of the marchioness. See {Marquis}.]
    A large field tent; esp., one adapted to the use of an
    officer of high rank. [Written also {markee}.]

    1. "It was a case of him seeing the song and being glad he had an original piece of music that he could relate to," said Fagenson, inspired to use the singer after seeing his name on a marquee. "There was a great deal of pathos in that lyric.
    2. But Jackie Mason's name is now lighting up a marquee on the Great White Way.
    3. Twenty yards from the front door a squad of police, some with shotguns cradled in their arms, lounge under a brightly striped marquee set up to protect them from the sun.
    4. To help establish his credentials, he even bribed a London stagehand to take his picture under a marquee bearing his alias.
    5. "The day of my first performance here in New York, my wife drove me by the marquee, and I looked at it," he says. "I had a double feeling.
    6. Of course, the presence of a JoAnne Carner of any size is good news for the women's golf tour, which, like its male counterpart, does not suffer from a surfeit of names with marquee value.
    7. Beat Detroit," read the shopping center marquee in Malibu, the celebrity enclave that many fans call home.
    8. Martin said he adopted his trademark white suit when he was doing stand-up comedy to get noticed so he could climb to the top of the marquee.
    9. No television personalities and movie names brought in for marquee value or to give the box office a boost.
    10. NEW YORK - When things started looking bleak for Bloomingdale's corporate parent last autumn, a Manhattan movie theater near the famous department store proclaimed on its marquee "Good Luck Bloomies."
    11. A congressman who has been a perennial budget workhorse and a senator who has spent his career focused on other issues will be marquee players in what should be one of 1989's most clamorous political clashes: how to cut the federal deficit.
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