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 marline ['mɑ:lin]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 双股细缆

    [ noun ]
    a small usually tarred line of 2 strands

    Marline \Mar"line\, n. [LG. marlien, marling, or D. marling,
    marlijn, fr. D. marren to tie, prob. akin to E. moor, v., and
    lijn line: cf.F. merlin. See {Moor}, v., {Line}.] (Naut.)
    A small line composed of two strands a little twisted, used
    for winding around ropes and cables, to prevent their being
    weakened by fretting.

    {Marline spike}, {Marling spike} (Naut.), an iron tool
    tapering to a point, used to separate the strands of a
    rope in splicing and in marling. It has an eye in the
    thick end to which a lanyard is attached. See {Fid}.
    [Written also {marlin spike}]

    {Marline-spike bird}. [The name alludes to the long middle
    tail feathers.] (Zo["o]l.)
    (a) A tropic bird.
    (b) A jager, or skua gull.

    Marline \Mar"line\, v. t. [F. merliner.] (Naut.)
    To wind marline around; as, to marline a rope.

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